They help UHealth serve patients and myriad other constituents with compassion and remarkable efficiency. They can rearrange the tightest schedules with finesse and find cell phone numbers most think are non-existent. They can plan perfect meetings for five or 500. Accomplishing these tasks and so much more - aided by their talents for strategizing and prioritizing - are all part of the daily working life of the dozens of executive assistants who help make the health system a smooth operation.
With that in mind, the Office of the Dean hosted a breakfast and award ceremony on December 16, a first-time event held to recognize UHealth - University of Miami Health System and Miller School executive assistants for their hard work. Hosted by Magaly Robitaille, assistant chief of staff to Dean Pascal J. Goldschmidt, M.D., the event also awarded its first "Dean's UCare Hero Award" to the year's "most outstanding" executive assistant.
The inaugural title and an accompanying plaque went to Roberto Estrada, executive assistant to the senior leaders of the DeWitt Daughtry Family Department of Surgery - Alan S. Livingstone, M.D., professor and chair, Rafic S. Warwar, vice chairman for administration, and Eva Calderon, senior department administrator
"I am honored to be the recipient of the first Dean's UCare Hero Award and I share it with each and every one of my colleagues who every day work tirelessly assisting our faculty, staff and some of the most heroic patients," said Estrada, who seemed surprised for a moment before regaining the consistent pleasant composure he is known for. "I am truly humbled for being chosen and hope to continue the tradition of excellence set by my mentors, Mr. Warwar, Dr. Livingstone and Ms. Calderon."
Estrada, who joined UM in 1984, worked as an executive assistant to several Miller School leaders before his current position. Over the years he has been praised by colleagues for his manner of service, everything from his great patience to his responsiveness and mellifluous tone on even the most trying phone calls.
"I have seen and personally experienced Roberto's compassionate and caring spirit numerous times over the past decade," said Robitaille. "He is the ultimate professional, a truly extraordinary individual who demonstrates on a daily basis his never-wavering dedication to our patients, staff and University."
In nominating Estrada for the award, Livingstone and Warwar noted: "At least once each week, we continue to receive praise and requests from patients, physicians and staff to ‘clone' Roberto. He is the epitome of a patient advocate and problem solver."
Robitaille said that although there was only one award, the other nine nominees and several others received high praise from their department leaders and other colleagues. The finalists were: Raisa Gonzalez from the Department of Ophthalmology; Patricia Malinowski, Pathology; Nancy Rivero, Obstetrics and Gynecology; Sylka Perez, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Mitzi Wilkinson, Pediatrics; Garla Connor, Anesthesiology; Lisa Fitell, Administration; Dani Fonts, Otolaryngology; and Susan Leyes from Medical Human Resources.
In congratulating Estrada, Lourdes Landa, executive assistant to Margaret Pericak-Vance, Dr. John T. Macdonald Foundation Professor of Human Genomics and director of the John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, said he and the other nominees were "leading by example."
"We're thrilled Dean Goldschmidt and Maggie thought it worthwhile to host such a great reception where we could all meet each other and make connections on a personal level," Landa said. "It was also nice to see people among us being recognized for their talents and for doing great work so consistently over a long period of time. I am proud so many of us are raising the bar of exemplary service every day."