Dean Pascal J. Goldschmidt, M.D., has announced a new leadership team in undergraduate medical education poised to further enhance the medical student education programs. Robert Hernandez, M.D., and Alex Mechaber, M.D., will direct the various undergraduate education programs.
Since joining the medical education administration 11 years ago, Dr. Hernandez has served as assistant dean for curriculum (1999-2000), associate dean for student affairs (2000-2008), and is now the senior associate dean for medical student administration. In his current role, he oversees all medical student administrative programs, including the Offices of Admissions, Student Affairs, Student Services, Minority Affairs, Financial Assistance, and Student Activities.
Dr. Hernandez has assisted in the implementation of a new curriculum, the creation of an innovative professionalism program for medical students, and the development of new student programs, such as the John G. Clarkson Pinning Ceremony, the Mitchell Wolfson Sr. Department of Community Service (DOCS), and the Academic Societies Program. He also has helped guide the School of Medicine through two successful LCME accreditation visits. Dr. Hernandez has achieved national standing in student affairs, having served as vice chair, chair-elect, and chair of the Group on Student Affairs for the Southern Region of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC).
Dr. Mechaber has served as associate dean for undergraduate medical education since his 2007-2008 term as assistant dean for clinical curriculum. Dr. Mechaber joined the faculty in 1998, and has been a leader in the development of innovative medical education and curricular programs. He was intimately involved in the development of the Academic Societies Program, the redesign of clinical skills education and in the recent LCME accreditation process. As of June 1, he became senior associate dean for undergraduate medical education, and will be responsible for providing overall leadership and oversight of all Miller School medical student education programs and curriculum, including the Doctoring Program, Generalist Education in Medicine programs and all competency assessments.
A nationally recognized medical educator, Dr. Mechaber is involved in a number of national working groups, including the United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 Test Material Development Committee, the AAMC Preclerkship Clinical Skills Task Force, and the National Board of Medical Examiners Clinical Skills Standard- Setting Panel.
Dean Goldschmidt said the new appointments will advance the success that medical student education and extracurricular programs have achieved.