Thursday, October 22, 2009 7 a.m.
Neurological Surgery Grand Rounds
The Department of Neurological Surgery will present Grand Rounds this Thursday from 7 to 8 a.m. in the Lois Pope LIFE Center, seventh-floor auditorium. Kristine O'Phelan, M.D., assistant professor of neurology, and Stephen Olvey, M.D., associate professor of neurological surgery, will present "End of Life Care in the ICU."
A second Grand Rounds will take place immediately following from 8 to 9 a.m. Michael Norenberg, M.D., professor of pathology, will present "Neuropathology Review Lecture."
For more information or to add your name to the educational announcement distribution list, please contact Ingrid Menendez at 305-243-6751 or