June 15, 2010 | Tuesday 
Grand Rounds
 For Your Benefit 
Human Subjects
Miller School Scientists Awarded Millions in Florida Biomedical Research Grants

James and Esther King and Bankhead-Coley grants help advance cancer research.

The battle against cancer being waged in numerous Miller School labs is getting a $12 million boost from the Florida Department of Health's Biomedical Research Program grants supporting research in cancer and tobacco-related diseases.

University of Miami Hospital and Clinics Hosts 15th Annual OSCE Exercises for Medical Students

Third-year student Ashkan Farzad listens to the chest of Harvey, the Cardiopulmonary Patient Simulator, at this year's OSCE exercises.

The University of Miami Hospital and Clinics welcomed all 174 third-year Miller School medical students for the 15th annual Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE), a medical school rite of passage. About 90 faculty members from the departments of medicine, surgery, psychiatry, pediatrics, OB/GYN, anesthesiology and family medicine served as faculty evaluators for the annual exercise that assesses the clinical skills of students.

New Race/Ethnicity Categories Survey

The U.S. Department of Education has released new guidelines for collecting and reporting information on race and ethnicity. In recognition of demographic changes in the population, these guidelines allow individuals to select more than one race/ethnicity category to describe their background. The University wants to continue monitoring its progress toward recruiting and retaining a diverse student body, faculty and staff. The personal information you provide in MyUM will be used for federal reporting requirements, funding purposes and to compare our results with those of other institutions. This information will be kept confidential. It will not be used as a basis for any academic or employment decisions.

New Breakthrough Medicine Episode Features Stem Cell Therapy

Joshua Hare, M.D., director of the Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute, examines his patient Max Eaton, who became the first person in the U.S. to have stem cells injected into his heart using a novel catheter.

The next episode of Breakthrough Medicine, Stem Cell Therapy: Healing Force of the Future, will air this Friday, at 9:30 p.m. on channel 10 (ABC-WPLG). In the episode, experts from the University of Miami's Interdisciplinary Stem Cell Institute use adult stem cells to repair organs and save lives. A heart attack victim receives his own stem cells in hopes of repairing his damaged heart muscle, and after all other methods have failed, patients with chronic wounds turn to a revolutionary study that heals broken skin.

Help The Miami Project win $250,000 for the KiDZ Neuroscience Center

The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis is a candidate for a $250,000 grant sponsored by the Pepsi Refresh Project. Cast your vote today and help The Miami Project fund its KiDZ Neuroscience Center. If awarded, the grant money will be used to expand the childhood unintentional injury prevention programs and educate more than 100,000 children and parents about injury prevention in the state of Florida.

Grand Rounds
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 12 p.m.
Psychiatry Grand Rounds: “Panic Disorder: Is It a Mental Disorder?”
Thursday, June 17, 2010 8 a.m.
Otolaryngology Grand Rounds: “Lymphoma for the Otolaryngologist”
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 8 a.m.
Pediatric Grand Rounds: “Mission Update: Pediatric Palliative Care”
Tuesday, June 22, 2010 12 p.m.
Cardiovascular Grand Rounds: “New Paradigms for Risk Stratification
for Sudden Cardiac Death"
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 12 p.m.
Cardiovascular Grand Rounds: “Stable Ischemic Heart Disease:
Risk Stratification and Patient Identification"
Wednesday, June 16, 2010 9 a.m.
Advanced InfoEd Proposal Development Hands-On Workshop
Thursday, June 17, 2010 9:59 a.m.
Calder Library Co-Hosts Safety Fair
Friday, June 18, 2010 7:30 a.m.
Rehabilitation Medicine Presents Fourth Annual Research Day
Sunday, June 20, 2010 11:30 a.m.
Prostate Cancer Awareness Day
Thursday, June 24, 2010 4 p.m.
Velos Patient Management Module Course
Monday, June 28, 2010 7:30 a.m.
Miller School Presents “Advances in Minimally-Invasive Treatments”
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 12 p.m.
Research Education and Training Seminar: “Challenges in Developing Countries”
Wednesday, June 30, 2010 4 p.m.
Velos Administrative Module
Wednesday, July 7, 2010 12 p.m.
Seminar: “Simplifying the Management of Complex HIV Data”
Funding and Research
Sylvester Braman Family Breast Cancer Institute’s Women’s Cancer League Developmental Grant Program
Coulter Center’s Biological Modifiers Core Offers Novel Methods to Generate Monoclonal Antibodies
Subject Enrollment Policy Reminder: For Clinical Researchers and Study Teams
Stay Connected: Subscribe to the Research Listservs
New JHS CTO and CRIS Forms
Stimulus Funding Information
For Your Benefit

Faculty and Staff Assistance Program Seminar: “Anger Management”

Financial Consultants Offer UM Employees Retirement Advice

For information on submitting your events or announcements, please visit the Submission Guidelines page.
Do you have a question, comment or suggestion to pass along to the editor? E-mail us at update@med.miami.edu.

e-Update is a service of the Office of Communications at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine.
To view current and past issues, visit http://e-update.med.miami.edu.

The University of Miami is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action University.

Senior Vice President for Medical Affairs and Dean
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
CEO, University of Miami Health System
Pascal J. Goldschmidt, M.D.

Executive Editor
Associate Vice President for Communications
Christine Morris

Jenny Prather

Maya Bell
Dwayne Campbell
Jeanne Antol Krull
Lisa Worley

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