Drs. Thurer and Keitz Named to New Positions at the Miller School
Richard Thurer, M.D., and Sheri Keitz, M.D., Ph.D. |
Dean Pascal J. Goldschmidt, M.D., has announced the appointment of Richard Thurer, M.D., and Sheri Keitz, M.D., Ph.D., to new positions dedicated to enhancing the careers of all Miller School faculty.
Dr. Thurer will become the medical school's ombudsperson, a position he will use to devise a confidential and fair process to serve, support and guide faculty members when they have concerns about their work environment. Dr. Keitz will take over the role of senior associate dean for faculty affairs.
The Ombudsperson Office will serve as an "ear to the people" so that all faculty members at the Miller School can be heard without fear of retaliation or loss of privacy. Dean Goldschmidt said Dr. Thurer is uniquely qualified to serve in his new post, given his lifelong history of service and advocacy for faculty members, first as a member of the Faculty Senate and most recently as senior associate dean for faculty affairs.
Like Thurer, Keitz also has dedicated her career to supporting faculty members in the academic environment. Since 2007, Keitz has served as associate dean for faculty diversity and development, a role in which she worked to promote respect and responsibility in the workplace for everyone. In her new position, Keitz will be responsible for providing overall leadership and oversight of programs that support faculty in their various academic roles within the Miller School, including recruitment, appointment, development, promotion and tenure. She also will lead the effort for institutional programs pertaining to diversity and equity that will be integrated within the bylaws and structures of the Miller School.
Top: Rhonda McKenzie (left), of the Community Blood Centers of South Florida and Josh Moore (center), a second-year Miller School student, assist first-year student Tamara Gayle in registering in the National Marrow Donor Program. Bottom: Trauma fellow Tanya Zakrison, M.D., (center), and Edgar Pierre, M.D., assistant professor of anesthesiology (third from right), are flanked by Miller School students and SNMA members following a Black History Month lecture on Haiti. Students are, from left, Elishia McKay, Tynsia Harvey, Rimsky Denis, Josh Moore and Terri-Ann Bennett. |
Miller School Students Celebrate Black History Month
The Miller School campus is celebrating Black History Month this year through numerous events, including lectures, spoken word poetry, a "diversity diner" featuring food from different cultures in the African diaspora, and a bone marrow drive, all organized by the medical school's chapter of the Student National Medical Association (SNMA). This Thursday at noon, "CNN Hero" Andrea Ivory will address "Breast Cancer and Its Disparities" and a week later, SNMA members will encourage minority high school students to make the Miller School part of their future during "The Minority Candidate" forum.
"The goal of the Student National Medical Association's Black History Month celebration is to increase cultural awareness, recognize the importance of diversity, and honor the contributions of blacks in medicine," said Rosanne M. Henry, second-year medical student and president of SNMA. "We welcome and encourage students, faculty, and administrators of all cultural and ethnic backgrounds to participate in this educational and inspirational month of events."
Starkey Hearing Foundation and UM’s Ear Institute Team Up to Give Gift of Sound
From left, William F. Austin, of the Starkey Foundation, David Archuleta, American Idol star, and Sergio Guerreiro, Au.D., assistant professor of clinical audiology, celebrate the gift of sound to more than 130 children and young adults. |
"We live through what we give," William F. Austin, CEO and founder of the Starkey Hearing Foundation, told a packed audience this month at the Eden Roc Hotel, where more than 130 local children and young adults received free hearing aids and tested the gifts at a concert featuring two American Idol stars.
Austin came to Miami as part of the global mission of Starkey Laboratories, Inc. to tackle children's hearing loss. The mission, made possible with the support of NFL alumni and other corporate sponsors affiliated with the 2010 Super Bowl, and the University of Miami Ear Institute, provided hearing aids at no cost to hearing-impaired recipients aged 4 to 22. They were identified by school audiologists and teachers from Monroe, Miami-Dade and Broward counties.
Indonesia’s Universitas Padjadjaran and the Miller School Sign Collaborative Agreement
From left, are Leo Twiggs, M.D, Mark T. O'Connell, M.D., senior associate dean for medical education; Eduardo de Marchena, M.D.; Eri Surahman, M.D., medical dean of Universitas Padjadjaran; and Tri Hanggono Achmad, M.D., Ph.D., vice dean for treasury and general administration affairs.
Through the efforts of Leo Twiggs, M.D., professor and chair of obstetrics and gynecology, and Eduardo de Marchena, M.D., associate dean for international medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran in Sumedang, Indonesia, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Universitas Padjadjaran provides quality medical education and state-of-the-art health services to thousands of people through its medical facilities and educational programs in West Java. This affiliation will facilitate the efforts of the two universities in sharing a global medical curriculum with students and physicians from both countries.
Be on the Lookout for Questionnaire About the Campus-Wide Smoking Ban
On March 1, smoking will no longer be allowed on the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial campus. To understand the impact of this new policy, all faculty and staff at the University of Miami medical campus are encouraged to fill out a brief online questionnaire. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete, and is completely anonymous and voluntary. All medical campus faculty and staff will receive an e-mail invitation with the survey link. Please look for this e-mail, and take a few minutes to provide your opinions. For more information, contact Noella Dietz, Ph.D., assistant professor of epidemiology, at 305-243-5756.
It’s Not Too Late! Well ‘Canes Incentives Still Available: Schedule an Appointment for One-on-One Assistance
CPR Training Available at the Medical Wellness Center
Aqua Training Demo at the Medical Wellness Center
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12 p.m.
Hospital Medicine Grand Rounds:
"Prevention of Health Care Associated Infections"
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12 p.m.
Cardiology Grand Rounds: “Cardiac Transplantation”
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 7:30 a.m.
Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds: “Patient Safety: What’s All the Fuss About?’’
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 12 p.m.
16th Annual Leon Schiff Medicine Grand Rounds: “Surgery in the Patient with Liver Disease:
Estimating Risk and Predicting Outcomes"
Thursday, February 18, 2010 7 a.m.
Orthopaedic Grand Rounds: “The Treatment of G III B Tibia Fracture with Sequential Circular Fixator
Thursday, February 18, 2010 7:30 a.m.
Surgical Grand Rounds:
"Biologic Bone Grafting Options for Alveolar Bone Reconstruction and Dental Implant Placement"
Thursday, February 18, 2010 1 p.m.
Endocrinology Grand Rounds: “Novel Experimental Approaches for Beta Cell Neogenesis”
Friday, February 19, 2010 12 p.m.
Psychiatry Grand Rounds:
"Antipsychotic Treatment at Salient Junctures for Patients with Schizophrenia"
Monday, February 22, 2010 4 p.m.
Rehabiliation Medicine Grand Rounds:
"Medical Malpractice: Current Research Status Including Pain Medicine"
Thursday, March 4, 2010 6:45 a.m.
Anesthesiology Grand Rounds: “Triple Low: An Ominous Predictor of Adverse Outcome”
Thursday, March 18, 2010 6:45 a.m.
Anesthesiology Grand Rounds: “Quality Efforts in the Specialty of Anesthesia”
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12 p.m.
Endocrinology Guest Lecture: "Association of Serum Vitamin D Level with Severity of Diabetic Polyneuropathy"
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 8 a.m.
Endocrinology Core Lecture Series: “PCOS”
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 9 a.m.
Advanced InfoEd Proposal Development Hands-On Workshop
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:30 p.m.
Faculty Senate Meeting Hosted by President Shalala
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 4 p.m.
Endocrinology Research Conference: "Role of Thiazolidinediones in Bone Metabolism"
Thursday, February 18, 2010 7 a.m.
Neurology Update and Stroke Intensive 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010 12 p.m.
UM President Donna E. Shalala Presents Keynote Address at the 36th Annual Eastern-Atlantic Student Research Forum
Thursday, February 18, 2010 12 p.m.
Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology Seminar: "Integrating BCR, TLR, and BAFF-R Signaling in B Lymphocyte Development and Activation"
Thursday, February 18, 2010 1 p.m.
Training Course: “Understanding the Proposal Transmittal and Other Pre-Award Forms”
Thursday, February 18, 2010 4 p.m.
Velos Patient Management Module
Thursday, February 18, 2010 4 p.m.
Neuroendocrine Clinical Case Conference: “Acromegaly”
Friday, February 19, 2010 12 p.m.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Seminar: "Basic Biochemical Hypotheses Derived from Studies of Human Galactosemia"
Friday, February 19, 2010 1 p.m.
Sylvester Distinguished Lecture: “Functions of the Proteasome: From Protein Degradation to Cancer Therapy"
Friday, February 19, 2010 1 p.m.
2009-2010 Neuroscience Center Seminar: "Genetic and Genomic Approaches for Studying Peripheral Nerve Development and Disease"
Saturday, February 20, 2010 7 a.m.
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Presents Seventh Annual Angiogenesis Meeting
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 1:30 p.m.
Miller School Hosts Miami Area Geriatric Education Center Conference
Wednesday, March 3, 2010 4:30 p.m.
The 18th Annual Miriam Lemberg Visiting Professorship in Cardiovascular Disease Lecture: "Historic Breakthrough in Reperfusion Therapy of Acute Myocardial Infarction"
Thursday, March 4, 2010 7:30 a.m.
Perioperative Medicine Summit 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010 12 p.m.
Cell Biology and Anatomy Seminar: "Regulation of Protein Chaperones and the Heat Shock Response"
Thursday, March 11, 2010 10 a.m.
Developmental Center for AIDS Research Seminar: "Regulation of Retroviral Infections"
Saturday, March 20, 2010 8 a.m.
Save the Date for "Challenges for the Primary Care Provider - Hypercoagulable Conditions and Anticoagulation"
Saturday, March 20, 2010 10 a.m.
University of Miami Partners with Miami Science Museum for “Brain Fair”
Friday, March 26, 2010 7:30 a.m.
Joan K. Stout R.N. Nurses Training Program: "ECGs and Arrhythmias: Practical Diagnosis and Management"
Saturday, May 15, 2010 9 a.m.
Register Now for the Ottawa 2010 Conference