UHealth Gearing up for Saturday’s Miami-Dade Start! Heart Walk
UHealth leaders joined hundreds of community members at the Heart Walk last year in Tropical Park. This year the turnout is expected to be even greater. |
With only four days to go until the 2009 Miami-Dade Start! Heart Walk, it's not too late for you to sign-up to join the more than 100 UHealth colleagues who are scheduled to participate in the annual 5K walk/run this Saturday at Tropical Park.
Miller School Dean Pascal J. Goldschmidt, M.D., and Ralph Sacco, M.D., M.S., professor and chair of neurology and president-elect of the American Heart Association (AHA) will join the faculty and staff in the walk that raises awareness about heart disease and stroke and raises funds to help battle the deadly diseases.
Laura Denoux, contestant from NBC's "Biggest Loser" is hosting the event. With a fun festival area, breakfast and lunch, the walk/run is a good way for individuals and families to support a worthwhile cause and participate in a heart-healthy activity.
"I am very excited that the University of Miami is participating again this year in the American Heart Association's Heart Walk," said Sacco. "Stroke and heart disease continue to be major issues in this country. Thank you to all who have already signed up or made a contribution. It is not too late to enroll and I encourage all my colleagues to participate for this great cause."
Last year, UHealth was recognized as the "top new company" for raising $37,000 for the event and UM Hospital's Victor Vega was honored as the top individual fundraiser. The overall walk raised $523,000.
Flu Shots Cancelled
Due to a positive response to our promotional efforts and nationwide challenges with the supply and distribution of the seasonal flu vaccine, the University's supply of the vaccine is low. As a result, all scheduled UM flu shot events have been cancelled until further notice.
We strongly encourage employees who have not received their seasonal flu shot to visit local retail locations for the vaccine. UM/Aetna health plan members can obtain free flu shots at the following locations:
NOTE: CVS and Walgreens do NOT provide free flu shots to Aetna members outside of their walk-in clinics. Please contact your local retailers and doctor's offices prior to your visit to ensure that they have seasonal flu shots available. If you have any issues or concerns please contact Benefits Administration at 305-284-3004.
Glen N. Barber, Ph.D., professor of medicine and the Eugenia J. Dodson Chair in Cancer Research, and Hiroki Ishikawa, Ph.D., post-doctoral fellow. |
Sylvester Cancer Researcher Expands Breakthrough Immune System Findings
A prominent researcher at the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the Miller School has taken another major step in understanding the mechanisms of the immune system. For the second year in a row, Glen N. Barber, Ph.D., professor of medicine and the Eugenia J. Dodson Chair in Cancer Research, and Hiroki Ishikawa, Ph.D., a post-doctoral fellow, have published their findings in the prestigious journal Nature (online edition September, print October).
In their previous study, Barber and Ishikawa identified a molecule, STING (STimulator of INterferon Genes), which activates the body's innate immune system by triggering the production of interferon. That study focused on fibroblast cells, the most common cells, in vitro. When a virus invades a cell, interferon production is triggered, which then alerts other cells that there is a virus infection. This activates the immune response by creating hundreds of antiviral genes which protect uninfected cells from infection. Without interferon, the body has no early antiviral defense.
University of Miami Hospital Hosts 2009 Safety Fair
Tony Santa, associate vice president of the Department of Behavioral Health Services, and Hilda Rodriguez, clinical manager, demonstrate safe use of restraints to a group of clinical staff at the 2009 Safety Fair. |
The single most important thing you can do to avoid getting sick and to stop the spread of disease-causing bacteria is wash your hands - often. Proper hand hygeine, one of the most important tools to ensure patient safety, was among many safety issues discussed at University of Miami Hospital's 2009 Safety Fair held September 16 through 18.
Iron Arrow Honor Society Nominations
Do you know an outstanding member of the University community? The Iron Arrow Honor Society is accepting nominations for individuals in the UM community who deserve to be recognized with the highest honor attained at the University. Individuals must exemplify five qualities: love of alma mater, character, leadership, scholarship and humility.
New Organ Donor Registry
It has never been easier to support the Miller School's Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency in its mission to procure and fairly distribute organs and tissues for transplantation. Florida's Agency for Health Care Administration and Donate Life Florida, a coalition of state recovery agencies, recently launched the Joshua Abbott Organ and Tissue Donor Registry, Florida's new online organ, tissue and eye donor registry. The online registry makes it convenient for Floridians to register as organ and tissue donors.
Employee Assistance Program Seminar: "Communication Skills for Emerging Leaders"
Employee Assistance Program Seminar: "Relaxation Training"
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 8 a.m.
Pediatric Grand Rounds: “Transcatheter Procedures in the Treatment of Congenital Heart Disease”
Tuesday, September 29, 2009 12 p.m.
Cardiovascular Division Grand Rounds:
"Antithrombotic Therapies in CAD -- Where are we in 2009?"
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 7:29 a.m.
Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds:
"The Importance of Making Your Voice Heard in the Health Care Reform Debate: Potential Impact on Surgeons"
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 12 p.m.
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds: “H1N1 Update and Environment as a Source of Contamination”
Thursday, October 1, 2009 6:45 a.m.
Anesthesiology Grand Rounds: “Another 12-Step Program”
Thursday, October 1, 2009 7 a.m.
Orthopaedic Grand Rounds: “Regenerative Medicine in Orthopaedics”
Thursday, October 1, 2009 7:30 a.m.
Surgical Grand Rounds: “Patient Safety First—Influenza Vaccination and Hand Hygiene”
Thursday, October 1, 2009 8 a.m.
Neurological Surgery and The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis Grand Rounds:
"Electrical Brain Stimulation for Acute Neurotrauma: Neurons Mending Neurons"
Thursday, October 1, 2009 12 p.m.
Pathology Grand Rounds:
"HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Cancer: A Clinically and Molecularly Distinct Entity"
Friday, October 2, 2009 10 a.m.
Neurology Grand Rounds: “Feedback in Clinical Medical Education”
Monday, October 5, 2009 4 p.m.
Rehabilitation Medicine Grand Rounds:
"Spontaneous Thoracic Myelopathy/Spine and Musculoskeletal Injury"
Thursday, October 8, 2009 6:45 a.m.
Anesthesiology Grand Rounds: “Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair and Endovascular Stenting”
Thursday, October 8, 2009 7 a.m.
Orthopaedic Grand Rounds: “Anatomic ACL Reconstruction”
Thursday, October 8, 2009 7:30 a.m.
Surgical Grand Rounds: “Surgery at the Frontier of Freedom”
Thursday, October 8, 2009 12 p.m.
Hospital Medicine Grand Rounds: “Patient Safety First—Influenza Vaccination and Hand Hygiene”
Thursday, October 22, 2009 6:45 a.m.
Anesthesiology Grand Rounds: “Ethical Issues in the Management of Jehovah’s Witnesses Patients”
Thursday, October 22, 2009 7:30 a.m.
Surgical Grand Rounds: “What Can the Operating Room Learn from the Cockpit?”
Thursday, October 29, 2009 6:45 a.m.
Anesthesiology Grand Rounds: “Teaching Tools for Residents as Teachers”
Wednesday, September 30, 2009 12 p.m.
Pediatric Clinical Research Forum: "Fluconazole Prophylaxis for Prevention of Candidiasis in Premature Infants of < 750 g -- A Multicenter Trial"
Friday, October 2, 2009 9 a.m.
Join the Miami-Dade Cradle to Prison Pipeline Community Forum at the Miller School
Friday, October 2, 2009 10 a.m.
Sylvester Disparities and Community Outreach Core Seminar: "Expanding Access to Cancer Clinical Trials: What Will it Take, and How Can We Get There?"
Friday, October 2, 2009 12 p.m.
Employee Assistance Program Seminar: “IRS - New Tax Law Changes”
Friday, October 2, 2009 1:02 p.m.
Neurology Clinicopathological Conference: "A 64 Year-Old Man with Lower Extremity Weakness"
Saturday, October 3, 2009 7:30 a.m.
Bascom Palmer CEU Seminar: "Advances in the Management of Anterior Segment Diseases: Challenges to Patient Care"
Sunday, October 4, 2009 8:30 a.m.
International Conference on Communication in Health Care
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 11 a.m.
Medical Purchasing Presents the First Annual “All About You” Spa and Wellness Fair, A United Way Fundraising Event
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 5:30 p.m.
Twenty-Fourth Annual Great Sports Legends Dinner to Benefit The Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis
Wednesday, October 7, 2009 12 p.m.
Pediatric Clinical Research Forum: “Heart Rate Variability and Complexity Measures: Clinically, Are They Worth the Effort?"
Friday, October 9, 2009 12 p.m.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Seminar: "ER Chaperones as Vaccines for HIV and Cancer"
Saturday, October 10, 2009 11 a.m.
Third Annual Glam-A-Thon to Benefit Breast Cancer Research
Tuesday, October 13, 2009 4 p.m.
Human Genetics and Genomics Seminar: "Using Drosophila as a Model to Study Neurodegenerative Diseases"
Friday, October 16, 2009 8:30 a.m.
UM Area Health Education Center and Family Medicine Symposium: "The Changing Role of the Health Care Provider in an Increasingly Tobacco-Free World"
Friday, October 16, 2009 12 p.m.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Seminar: "ORF Phage Display: A New Technology to Identify Protein Functions and Applications for Your Research"
Friday, October 23, 2009 8 a.m.
Lung Cancer Town Hall Meeting
Thursday, October 29, 2009 9 a.m.
National Hispanic Science Network on Drug Abuse Ninth Annual Scientific Conference: "Advances in Etiologic and Intervention Models in Hispanic Addiction Research"
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 8 a.m.
33rd International Conference: “Miami Neonatology 2009”
Thursday, November 12, 2009 6:30 p.m.
Nordstrom Guide to Men’s Style Event Benefitting The Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis