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Mind and Matter


Managing Empty Nest Syndrome

Empty nest syndrome refers to the transition period experienced by parents when their adult child leaves the home to attend college or moves out to live on their ownFortunately, there are many healthy ways to manage this transitional period. Read more.


Clarity . Connection . Comfort

Relationship between Chronic Illnesses and Depression

It is estimated that up to one-third of people with a serious medical condition have symptoms of depression. Learn more about the link between chronic illness and depression. 

Read more.

Mental Health Corner

Signs and Symptoms of Mental Illness

Trying to tell the difference between commonly expected behaviors, and what might be signs of a mental illness, isn't always easy. Learn more about the symptoms of mental illness.

Read more.


Guest Article

Food Equals Mood

Your brain is responsible for thoughts, movements, breathing, heartbeats, and your senses. Learn how your diet impacts your "brain health." Read more.



Savoring Moments

Bringing special focus to any satisfying, happy, or enjoyable moment heightens consciousness over the simple gift of that unique life experience. Explore the benefits of savoring life experiences. Read more.


Did You Know?

You can help to raise awareness about depression.

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses to affect teenagers and adults. Raising depression awareness can help defeat the stigma of the illness and can also help people suffering from it to reach out and get the help that they need to defeat it.

Here are five ways you can help raise depression awareness:

1Talk about it. Talk about how many people are affected by the disease and let people know that there are treatment options available.

2. Address the myths. If you hear someone propagating myths about depression, be sure to speak up kindly but firmly.

3. Share online mental health screening at Complete an anonymous online self-assessment to check in on your mental well-being and receive resources for available support. 

4. Know the signs and symptoms of depression. Telling others about what types of behaviors and feelings can characterize depression can encourage them to get help for themselves or their loved ones.

5. Reach out to a friend/family in need. If you have a friend who you suspect is suffering from depression, reach out to them. Don’t avoid them because it makes you uncomfortable.


Virtual Wellness Webinars

View a full listing of FSAP resources and upcoming virtual events.


Quote by Which to Live

"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”  

— Robert Louis Stevenson



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