In the Office of the Vice Provost for Research & Scholarship, over 250 professionals guide faculty, staff, and learners through the entire Research Lifecycle, from project conception and grant submission to sharing results with the world and creating commercial opportunities.
The Office of the Vice Provost for Research & Scholarship gathers upcoming funding opportunities into a once-weekly email distributed each Wednesday. To promote a funding opportuntity in the newsletter, email Melissa Peerless for foundation opportunities or Eva Olivares for other categories of funding opportunities.
Notice of Proposal Eligibility
Note that when a proposal is selected for funding, the sponsor will provide their terms and conditions to the University to review, negotiate and accept. Sponsors do not negotiate terms before the award is issued and the terms are often not publicly available. The Office of Research Administration works hard to ensure the terms are agreeable to the sponsor and acceptable to UM.
March 31, 2023 by 5PM
Purpose: U-LINK seeks applications from doctoral students who desire to pursue problem-based interdisciplinary research. The U-LINK Predoctoral Fellowship requires the student to identify at least two UM faculty advisors, representing at least two distinct disciplines, with whom to complete his or her dissertation work. We especially encourage project proposals that tackle problems aligning with UM’s Roadmap To Our New Century initiative (http://roadmap.miami.edu); e.g., addressing environmental challenges, engineering smart/connected cities, promoting health and wellness, cultivating a culture of belonging, and applying the potential of big data to global issues. The U-LINK Predoctoral Fellowship is an excellent opportunity for innovative doctoral students interested in completing their dissertation in a dynamic, interdisciplinary environment. The fellowship is comprised of a stipend of $40,000 each year plus 100% health insurance subsidy while a student is supported by the U-LINK fellowship.
Eligibility: The U-LINK Predoctoral Fellowship is intended for exceptional graduate students already enrolled in a University of Miami doctoral program and highly committed to engaging in problem-based interdisciplinary research. Applicants should not have completed all their coursework unless they have already taken coursework in a second discipline that is relevant to the proposed project. Applicants must be currently in good standing with their graduate program.
Application Process: Candidates should engage with their proposed advisors to develop an interdisciplinary project proposal and complete an online application by 5PM on March 31, 2023 via the InfoReady Review System: https://miami.infoready4.com/#competitionDetail/1876591.
Please see RFA for additional information. Earliest Start Date: August 1, 2023.
Deadline: Rolling
Research Sprints offer University of Miami U-LINK Teams the opportunity to partner with a team of library experts on a component of their broader U-LINK project. Each Research Sprint will take place over the course of two days to address the U-LINK Team's project-based obstacle and deliver a tangible plan or outcome. Two U-LINK Teams will be offered Research Sprints in the 2022-23 Academic Year. An application submission is required.
What Exactly Are Research Sprints? Research Sprints dedicate time for team-based problem solving and/or brainstorming. University of Miami Libraries’ Sprints aim to foster engaging and equitable collaborations that advance interdisciplinary research for the public good. Each member of the Sprint Team brings unique ideas, creativity, and expertise that are essential to building projects and connections during this period and beyond. We believe that the expertise of librarians and other specialists can enrich the goals and outcomes of interdisciplinary research.
How To Apply To complete the application, please respond to the following prompts through the application questionnaire (also linked at the top of this page):https://sp.library.miami.edu/subjects/guide.php?subject=sprints
Want to know how Research Sprints might be able to help your project? Have questions before applying? Pre-application consultations are available. Contact us at researchsprints@miami.edu
March 29, 2023 by 5PM
Overview: The DTECH program invests in the development of technology future profiles identifying current research, developments, forecasted directions and predicted impacts across a breadth of focus areas. Depending on the availability of funds, the Sponsor anticipates awarding multiple (3 to 5) contracts NTE $100K for a Period of Performance (POP) of 12 months.
Research Objectives: The DTECH program seeks technology profiles and forecasting in six disruptive technology areas (see below) to provide insights and gaps related to future developments, threats, opportunities, and mitigations. Each white paper should respond to one (best of fit) disruptive technology area with association to a single (best of fit) BAA or AoE. Each white paper should propose an approach to developing the technology profile highlighting experience, partners, and sources. It should provide an approach or foundation for future research and development, a description of technology applications and impact, schedule, and cost estimate.
Disruptive Technology Areas:
- Advanced Analytics
- Bio technology
- Communications
- Sensors
- Autonomous Systems
- Disruptive integration of Technology
This RFW defines the tasks and deliverables required to provide a technology futures profile report for one Disruptive Technology Area aligned with one BAA AoE to include a concept for future research and development. The tasking requires a broad and deep overview of the disruptive technology, areas of current development, technology gaps including threats, opportunities and mitigations and an identified specific future development the performer proposes with conceptualized impact. The success of the effort may lead to a future proposal call for detailed research, development and experimental testing of the technology concept areas.
Please submit your white papers via InfoReady: https://miami.infoready4.com/#competitionDetail/1897315
Submissions are now being accepted for the 2023 RCIF: Connection through Exploration.
For more information and to apply, visit the appropriate link below.
Undergraduate Presenter Subject Expert Volunteers
The annual Undergraduate Research, Creativity, and Innovation Forum (RCIF) allows students from all disciplines to present their work to a wide audience comprised of their peers, faculty, staff, and the larger UM community. RCIF celebrates the contributions students have made during their research experiences through the dissemination of knowledge while providing a glimpse into the ongoing projects across all three campuses.
Research provides students the opportunity to explore potential career interests while establishing connections that provide direction, support, and encouragement. Whether conducting clinical research at the Miller School of Medicine or criminology research and outreach in South Florida, the opportunities to create lasting connections are endless. UGR invites you to connect with your fellow ‘Canes by exploring the outstanding research contributions made throughout the past year at the fifteenth annual RCIF.
Presenter Information
- Currently enrolled undergraduate students are eligible and encouraged to participate regardless of discipline.
- Research mentor must be associated with UM school or department.
Volunteers play an integral role in the success of RCIF by creating a supportive environment for our undergraduate researchers; therefore, our office thoroughly appreciates those willing to donate their time and expertise.
UGR is asking those interested in volunteering to complete a short registration form by Friday, March 31, 2023.
March 17, 2023
The Southeast Collaborative (P50) (NIH Grant 1P50MD017347-01) was established in 2021 as a regional partnership to enable research to improve chronic disease disparities in African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos in the Southeastern US, led by Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), Meharry Medical College (MMC), and the University of Miami (UM). The Center Investigator Development Core (IDC) will support career development of post-doctoral fellows, early-career faculty, and other early-stage investigators (ESI) in behavioral, clinical, and translational research focused on chronic diseases health disparities that disproportionately affect African Americans, Latinos and other populations experiencing health disparities. Central to this mission is the pilot project awards program, designed to allow ESI to generate preliminary data for extramural grant proposals focused on disease prevention, treatment, and management to characterize the root causes of health disparities and to address disparities in the incidence, morbidity, and mortality of chronic diseases. The IDC will assure that ESI are linked to outstanding local career development opportunities to increase their participation, advancement, and leadership capabilities.
REQUIREMENTS In addition to proposing highly significant, innovative, and rigorous science, pilot projects must meet three key requirements that are described below:
1) Relevance to chronic disease 2) Relevance to health disparities 3) Inclusion of community engagement
AVAILABLE FUNDING: The Center IDC will award at least three pilot awards for up to $50,000 direct costs each for a 12-month period. Each site (VUMC, MMC, UM) will be awarded with one pilot project per year. The proposed project cannot duplicate aims of any currently or previously funded award. Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval of projects greater than minimal risk will be required prior to disbursement of funds to selected awardees.
ELIGIBILITY: Any post-doctoral fellow, early-career faculty, and other early- stage investigators (ESI) member at the Center member organization, including Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Meharry Medical College, and the University of Miami, having the skills and experience to carry out the proposed work may submit an application to conduct behavioral, clinical, and translational research focused on chronic disease health disparities.
APPLICATION REVIEW CONSIDERATIONS: It is expected that these pilot applications will be equivalent in scope to R03 and/or R21 grants submitted to the NIH. The proposals will be reviewed using current NIH review criteria. These include overall impact, significance, investigator, innovation, and approach.
Please refer to the RFA and flyer for additional information.
eLOI- Letter of Intent: https://redcap.link/h62xktyx Deadline Friday, March 17, 2023
CONTACT INFORMATION: For any questions, inquiries, or additional information please contact: Program Managers Denise Holland (LHolland@mmc.edu), Dr. Alecia Fair (alecia.fair@vumc.org), and Maria Freeman mxf1084@med.miami.edu.
Foundation & Corporate Grants
Please contact the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations if you would like to pursue any of the following corporate or foundation funding opportunities. The team can provide assistance with writing, editing, institutional information, and application submission.
March 15, 2023
Health Policy Research Scholars is a leadership development program for full-time doctoral students who want to apply their research to advance health and equity.
Eligible applicants are entering their second year of study and are from populations underrepresented in specific doctoral disciplines and/or historically marginalized backgrounds. Examples of eligible individuals include, but are not limited to, first-generation college graduates, individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, individuals from communities of color, and individuals with disabilities.
HPRS includes scholars from disciplines including economics, political science, psychology, architecture, transportation, sociology, social welfare, and environmental health.
Scholars receive a stipend of up to $30,000 per year for up to four years (or until they complete their doctoral programs).
They also: participate in policy and leadership development experiences; receive training in health equity and policy leadership; and apply for a dissertation grant of up to $10,000.
Scholars remain at their home institutions during the course of the program.
Up to 40 scholars will be selected for Fall 2023.
The application deadline is March 15, 2023.
If you are interested, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at foundationrelations@miami.edu.
March 16, 2023
The Catalyst to Independence Award is a transition award that supports the next generation of researchers to solve the biggest questions in single ventricle heart disease and related fields. Focus areas are: genetics, basic cardiovascular development, tissue engineering, computational modeling, and others.
The award provides research and career development support to investigators during the later stages of a mentored postdoctoral research position (up to 3 years of support) through the transition to an independent tenure track research position (up to 3 additional years).
Total funding is $1.2 million over six years.
- Applicants must have earned a PhD, MD, or doctoral equivalent more than 1 year prior to the application due date and must have held their current role for at least 1 year.
- Applicants must have current postdoctoral fellow or instructor status (or equivalent) and be in non-independent, mentored positions.
- Applicants cannot concurrently hold a transition award from another organization and must commit to a minimum 9 calendar months (75% of the year) dedicated effort to the proposed work.
- Applicants must be legally qualified to work in the US (including citizens, non-citizen permanent residents, or temporary residents of the US). Immigration-related matters and visa applications are the responsibility of the fellow and sponsoring institution.
Letter of Intent deadline is March 16, 2023.
The Foundation staff has offered to speak with any interested potential applicants for the Catalyst to Independence Award.
If you are interested, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at foundationrelations@miami.edu.
March 21, 2023
The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is planning to appoint approximately 25 new Investigators.
This program aims to support individuals who are conducting research that radically changes understanding of how biology works, from molecular, biochemical and cellular processes to genetics, development and disease mechanisms, in a wide range of organisms.
The competition is open to researchers in basic and biomedical sciences, plant biology, evolutionary biology, biophysics, chemical biology, biomedical engineering, and computational biology.
Investigators maintain their appointments and labs at UM, but become HHMI employees.
They are appointed to a seven-year, renewable term that includes salary and research support of approximately $8 million.
Eligible applicants must:
- Have a PhD and/or MD
- Plan to dedicate at least 75% of their time to research
- Hold a position that represents substantial commitment by their institution, such as a tenure-track faculty position
- Have a track record of peer-reviewed funding
- Meet the required length of post-training, professional experience prior to applying
There is no limit on the number of applications per institution.
Application deadline is March 21, 2023
If you are interested, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at foundationrelations@miami.edu.
April 5, 2023
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Healthy Eating Research (HER) program aims to build a Culture of Health by identifying effective strategies to improve children’s nutrition and weight. HER’s mission is to support and disseminate research on policy, systems, and environmental strategies that promote healthy eating among children and advance nutrition security and health equity.
Some goals of the program are to: build a vibrant, inclusive, interdisciplinary research base in the areas of healthy food access, nutrition security, diet quality, and healthy weight; and communicate research findings to accelerate policy, systems, and environmental changes.
The Foundation hopes to generate evidence on supportive family policies and programs that have strong potential to impact equitable access to nutritious food in communities, nutrition security, diet quality, and improved nutrition and health outcomes. Programs can be: federal nutrition assistance programs; hunger-relief programs; community-powered food systems efforts; and social and economic programs (nonfood policies).
The Foundation is especially interested in strategies to improve health outcomes for children ages 0 to 18 at highest risk for poor nutrition, specifically lower-income families, as well as the racially and ethnically diverse populations experiencing higher rates of health disparities.
The goal is to learn what does and does not work and why; under what circumstances, who most benefits from these policies and programs; and if disparity gaps are reduced.
The focus is solution-oriented research that addresses policy, systems and environmental (PSE) change at the national, state, local, and tribal levels.
The PSE research strategies can focus on: how to strengthen existing policies or programs; evaluation of current policies or programs; or designing and pilot-testing new innovative programs that are policy-relevant.
Findings will be used to guide and inform decision-making about policy and system changes that can advance nutrition equity and improve health.
- Grant Amount: Up to $275,000 for up to two years (20% indirect costs)
- Concept Paper Deadline: April 5, 2023
If you are interested in submitting an LOI for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Healthy Eating Research Program please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at foundationrelations@miami.edu.
May 3, 2023
The W.T. Grant Foundation supports high-quality field-initiated studies on improving the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth ages 5-25 in the United States.
The Foundation seeks studies that identify, build, and test strategies to enhance the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth. Particularly: research on improving the use of research evidence by state and local decision makers, mid-level managers, and intermediaries. Projects may focus on the strategies, relationships, and other supports needed for policy and practice organizations to use research more routinely and constructively; structures and incentives within the research community to encourage deep engagement with decision makers; activities that help findings inform policy ideas, shape practice responses, and improve systems; or other projects.
- Grant Amount: $100,000 through $1,000,000 over 2-4 years (15% indirect costs)
- Next LOI Deadline: May 3, 2023
If you are interested in submitting a Letter of Inquiry for the W. T. Grant Foundation Research Grants on Improving the Use of Research Evidence, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at foundationrelations@miami.edu.
May 3, 2023
The Russell Sage Foundation is devoted to innovative research in the social sciences; specifically, the Foundation is dedicated to strengthening the methods, data, and theoretical core of the social sciences in order to better understand societal problems and develop informed responses.
For the May 2023 deadline the Foundation will accept LOIs in all program areas:
LOIs relevant to any of these topics that address the effects of social movements (such as drives for unionization and mass social protests), and the effects of racial/ethnic/gender bias and discrimination on a range of outcomes related to social and living conditions in the United States, are welcomed.
- Grant Amount: Up to $200,000 over 2 years (15% indirect costs)
- LOI Deadline: May 3, 2023
If you are interested in submitting a Letter of Inquiry for the Russell Sage Foundation Research Grants, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at foundationrelations@miami.edu.
May 3, 2023
The W.T. Grant Foundation supports research to build, test, or increase understanding of programs, policies, or practices to reduce inequality in the academic, social, behavioral, or economic outcomes of young people ages 5-25 in the United States.
The Foundation prioritizes studies that aim to reduce inequalities that exist along dimensions of race, ethnicity, economic standing, language minority status, or immigrant origins.
The Foundation welcomes descriptive studies that clarify mechanisms for reducing inequality or elucidate how or why a specific program, policy, or practice operates to reduce inequality; and also welcomes intervention studies that examine attempts to reduce inequality. Finally, studies that improve the measurement of inequality in ways that can enhance the work of researchers, practitioners, or policymakers are welcome.
- Grant Amount: $100,000 through $600,000 over 2-3 years (15% indirect costs)
- LOI Deadline: May 3, 2023
If you are interested in submitting a Letter of Inquiry for the W. T. Grant Foundation Research Grants on Reducing Inequality, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at foundationrelations@miami.edu.
Government Funding Opportunities
March 23, 2023 by 11:59PM (Pre-applications due: January 5, 2023 by 5PM)
Program Announcement: Department of Energy Announces Early Career Research Program for FY 2023
- The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced it is accepting proposals for the 2023 DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program to support the research of outstanding scientists early in their careers. The program will support over 80 early career researchers for five years at U.S. academic institutions, DOE national laboratories, and Office of Science user facilities
- To be eligible for the program, a researcher must be an untenured, tenure-track assistant or associate professor at a U.S. academic institution or a full-time employee at a DOE national laboratory or Office of Science user facility
- To address special circumstances and challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Science is extending the eligibility window for this competition from 10 to 12 years for all applicants
- Awards to an institution of higher education will be approximately $875,000 over five years and awards to a DOE national laboratory average around $2,500,000 over five years
- The funding level for institutions of higher education has been raised to encourage these institutions to increase graduate student stipends
- Pre-applications are mandatory and are due on Thursday, January 5, 2023, at 5:00 PM ET
- Applications will be due on Thursday, March 23, 2023, at 11:59 PM ET
- Only those applicants that receive notification from DOE encouraging a formal proposal may submit full proposals
A webinar on this opportunity will be held on November 30th at 3pm ET. Please register here: https://science-doe.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_psL8kt8aTtShmz_ujC1KFg
Link to FOA: https://science.osti.gov/-/media/grants/pdf/foas/2023/SC_FOA_0002821.pdf
April 1, 2023; October 7, 2023
Program Announcement: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-ES-23-007.html?utm_campaign=+55327346&utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term=
Purpose: A changing climate will adversely impact human health through multiple direct and indirect effects on individuals and their communities. The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to solicit P20 planning grant applications for Climate Change and Health Research Centers (CCHRCs). This program will support the development of an innovative research environment to foster and sustain a transdisciplinary program of fundamental and applied research to explore the complex impacts of climate change on health and to develop action-oriented strategies that protect health and build resiliency at the individual, community, national and global levels. A major goal for this program is to build research teams as well as collaborations with communities and other key partners.
The program seeks innovative research and pilot/feasibility projects that utilize transdisciplinary approaches to address questions relevant to climate change impacts on health. Applications for these CCHRCs should propose planning and development activities in preparation to build institutional research capacity for future proposals addressing climate and health. NIH seeks to support a variety of these centers around the world and across a range of thematic scientific areas in support of the four core elements of the NIH’s investment in climate health research: health effects research, health equity, intervention research, and training and capacity building.
Each CCHRC is expected to: (1) plan and develop sustainable research capacity by establishing centralized resources and research infrastructure; (2) develop the Center’s thematic science area through transdisciplinary research activities; (3) enable research that will develop into new programs of science and research applications supporting independent investigators; (4) establish or build upon and maintain authentic partnerships to engage communities most likely to be impacted by climate change in all phases of the research process; and (5) actively participate in the NIH Research Coordinating Center to Support Climate Change and Health Community of Practice activities (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-ES-22-003.html).
Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards: NIH intends to commit $30 million in FY2023 and FY2024 to fund up to 17 awards.
Award Budget: Application budgets are limited to $850,000 direct costs per year and need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
Award Project Period: The maximum project period is 3 years.
Applicant organizations may submit more than one application, provided that each application is scientifically distinct.
The NIH will not accept duplicate or highly overlapping applications under review at the same time, per Submission of Resubmission Application. This means that the NIH will not accept:
- A new (A0) application that is submitted before issuance of the summary statement from the review of an overlapping new (A0) or resubmission (A1) application.
- A resubmission (A1) application that is submitted before issuance of the summary statement from the review of the previous new (A0) application.
- An application that has substantial overlap with another application pending appeal of initial peer review (see Similar, Essentially Identical, or Identical Applications).
For additional information, please see the RFA.
Supplement Available
NIGMS is accepting diversity supplement applications to support master's degree students who are planning to apply to Ph.D. or M.D/Ph.D. programs. This opportunity is part of the Diversity Supplements Program, which facilitates the recruitment and training of promising scientists from diverse backgrounds (including invidividuals from groups underrepresented in the biomedical research workforce). The broader goal of the program is to enhance the diversity of the biomedical research enterprise.
As noted in the diversity supplements funding announcement (PAR-21-071), eligible candidates must be United States citizens or permanent residents. The proposed research experience must be within the scope of the PD’s/PI’s active NIGMS research grant, and the focus of the application should be on advancing the candidate’s research career.
PIs with eligible candidates are strongly encouraged to discuss potential diversity supplement requests with the program officer of their grant before applying. We also encourage all potential applicants to contact us to discuss the proposed training and career development plan and supplement application process before preparing an application. Read more>>
Please refer to each program announcement link for pre-application and full application deadlines
FY23 Funding Opportunities released:
Lung Cancer Research Program (LCRP)
Ovarian Cancer Research Program (OCRP)
- Funding Notices for the Week. Investigators interested in submitting a proposal to a limited submission grant, award, or fellowship program (one that restricts the number of applications that can be submitted from an institution), should immediately contact Eva Olivares in the Office of the Vice Provost for Research + Scholarship.
- Updated Requirements for NIH Notification of Removal or Disciplinary Action Involving Program Directors/Princial Investigators or other Senior/Key Personnel. Section 239 now requires that, “[t]he Director of the National Institutes of Health shall hereafter require institutions that receive funds through a grant or cooperative agreement during fiscal year 2022 and in future years to notify the Director when individuals identified as a principal investigator or as key personnel in an NIH notice of award are removed from their position or are otherwise disciplined due to concerns about harassment, bullying, retaliation, or hostile working conditions.” Therefore, effective 60 days from the publication of this Notice, NIH recipient institutions are required to notify NIH when individuals identified as PD/PI or other Senior/Key personnel in an NIH notice of award are removed from their position or are otherwise disciplined by the recipient institution due to concerns about harassment, bullying, retaliation or hostile working conditions. Notification must be provided by the Authorized Organization Representative within 30 days of the removal or disciplinary action and must be submitted to NIH through a dedicated web form.
- NIH NIAID Technology Transfer Fellowship Program. Fellows will be mentored by professionals that work side-by-side with with world-renowned NIAID and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientists and will be part of the team that helps transfer innovations from the lab to commercial products (including vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics) that benefit global public health.
- NIH Grants Policy Statement (Rev. Dec 2021) This update is applicable to all NIH grants and cooperative agreements with budget periods beginning on or after October 1, 2021. This update supersedes, in its entirety, the NIHGPS dated April 2021. Previous versions of the NIHGPS remain applicable as standard terms and conditions of award for all NIH grants and cooperative agreements with budget periods that began prior to October 1, 2021. This update incorporates new and modified requirements, clarifies certain policies, and implements changes in statutes, regulations, and policies that have been implemented through appropriate legal and/or policy processes since the previous version of the NIHGPS dated April 2021.
- Childcare Funding Available for Pre/Post Docs Full-time appointed predoctoral and postdoctoral NIH-NRSA supported trainees are eligible to receive $2,500 per budget period for childcare costs provided by a licensed childcare provider. For households where both parents are eligible full-time predoctoral or postdoctoral NRSA trainees, each parent is eligible to receive $2,500.
- Guidance on Salary Limitation for Grants and Cooperative Agreements This Notice provides information regarding the salary limitation for NIH grant and cooperative agreement awards and extramural research and development contract awards. Since 1990, Congress has legislatively mandated a limitation on direct salary for individuals under NIH grant and cooperative agreement awards (referred to here as a grant). The mandate appears in the annual appropriation act that provides authority for NIH to incur obligations for a given Fiscal Year (FY). At this time, NIH has not received an FY 2022 appropriation and is operating under a Continuing Resolution, the "Continuing Appropriations Act, 2022" (Public Law 117-70), that applies the terms and conditions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021.
- Notice for the NIGMS Grant Writing Webinar Series for Institutions Building Research and Research Training Capacity The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) will host an informational webinar series for faculty and sponsored programs/research development personnel from institutions building research and research training capacity. During the webinars, suggestions will be shared for navigating the process of seeking NIH funding. Attendees will learn considerations for determining research idea and grant writing readiness, selecting opportunities to apply for, effectively writing a grant application, and seeking appropriate feedback. Registration is required to attend.