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Meet Yourself With Kindness

As the new year progresses, it's common for individuals to revert to old habits and struggle with self-compassion. It's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes, experiences failures, and occasionally makes poor decisions. During these times, it's crucial to be kind, gentle, and compassionate with yourself. By doing so, you choose kindness over criticism and compassion over judgment. You can change your response by treating yourself with compassion and kindness, creating a new and healthier way of relating to yourself.

Whether you're enjoying your morning coffee or practicing your daily breathing exercises, if you notice self-criticism or a tendency to turn away from your feelings, recognize these as old habits. This is a perfect moment to repeat mantras or phrases that promote relaxation and well-being. Add the phrase, "Today I choose something different," and repeat it to yourself a few times. This mantra will help you embrace self-compassion as a new way of living.  

Source: Amanda Gilbert Meditation 

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