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“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” - Albert Einstein

If you feel stuck, overwhelmed, or just can’t figure out the steps between where you currently are and where you want to be, try this exercise created by hypnotherapist Sherry Gilbert.

  1. Begin by making two lists. One of everything you want “more of” in your life and one of everything you want “less of.” The items can be big or small, random, or planned, it doesn’t matter.
  2. Now, have a look at the “less” list and see how those items can be reframed and shifted into the “more” list. For example, if you want “less work” you might change that to “more free time.” Or “feel less overwhelmed” might be “feel more supported.”
  3. Pick an item from your list to begin with. Set a small, easily achieved task toward it in the next week. It’s important the task feels manageable. For example, it might be a quick online search, a phone call, or a chat with someone who can help.
  4. Decide on a time to check in with your list each week. Review last week’s task and decide on a new one. Again, keep it small and easily achievable. Or you might decide to work on the same item from last week.
  5. Don’t put pressure on yourself to check off items. The activity is about heading in the right direction not racing to get there. It’s a process.
  6. Don’t worry if you’re pulled off course. Look back at the list and “recalculate.”
  7. Review your list regularly, adding new things or removing items that no longer seem relevant or important to you. Keep it current.


Source:  Breathe magazine April 2023 “Imagine that”

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