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Mind and Matter

Clarity . Connection . Comfort

10 Ways to Relax This Summer

Learning to unwind and unplug will help us become happier, and recharge our physical and spiritual batteries. Psychotherapist and positive living expert Diane Lang, author of the book, Creating Balance, and Finding Happiness, offers 10 ways to truly relax this summer.

1. Take some time to spend outdoors. When we spend our time in nature, it naturally calms us and gives us a feeling of inner peace. The bonus is natural sunlight, which gives us our vitamin D –great for the bones and a mood booster.

2. Unplug from technology. Even if you only can do this once a week, take time to unplug from technology.

3. Move your body. Start a fitness program that is fun and adventurous. Go hiking, bike riding, etc. Bring a friend, and get moving!

4. Slow down. Live mindfully, focus on one task at a time, and try to be present as often as possible.

5. Spend time with friends and family. Set up date nights and game nights! 

6. Do activities you really love. Read the book you never had time to, explore your hometown, venture to new destinations, or go to the beach and relax. Try whatever brings you “flow.” 

7. Step outside of your comfort zone. Try something new. It can be something simple like trying a new drink or food, or going to a new restaurant. 

8. Have some free time with no expectations. It doesn't matter if you go on vacation or just take a walk; just enjoy some time off, and utilize your alotted personal time. 

9. Create some “me time.”Wake up 10 minutes earlier in the summer to sit outside on a patio deck with a morning drink and just enjoy the silence. All you need to do is take 10-15 minutes a day for you!

10. Breathe. Even with nice weather and longer days, we still can get stressed. So, when you feel the stress coming, take a moment to close your eyes and take a deep breath. It works!


Source: EHSToday

Click here to read the full Mind and Matter Summer Edition.