Two Former Deans
Receive Humanitarian Award


Phe Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences presented the 2007 Margaret Ann Aitcheson Humanitarian Award to Dean Emeritus Bernard J. Fogel, M.D., and Dean Emeritus John G. Clarkson, M.D., on May 9 at the Ritz-Carlton Coconut Grove. Former Vice President Al Gore and his wife, Tipper, were on hand for the special presentation.

“Mrs. Gore was the first recipient of the award in 2001 for her significant contribution to the field of mental health,” explained Eva Ritvo, M.D., chair of the event and associate professor of psychiatry. “Moments before she was to receive the award, she learned her mother had died. In recognition of her courage in going forward with the ceremony, the award was named for her mother, Margaret Ann Aitcheson.”

“I cannot begin to tell you how meaningful it was for our family to have this award named for Tipper’s mother,” said Vice President Gore.

Mrs. Gore then addressed the crowd, telling them the stigma of mental illness must be lifted. “We need to recognize that mental illness can be as painful and debilitating as heart disease or diabetes, but like those diseases it can be treated and you can recover,” she said.

At the award presentation, Julio Licinio, M.D, professor and chair of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, paid tribute to the two winners.