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In the Office of the Vice Provost for Research & Scholarship, over 250 professionals guide faculty, staff, and learners through the entire Research Lifecycle, from project conception and grant submission to sharing results with the world and creating commercial opportunities.

The Office of the Vice Provost for Research & Scholarship gathers upcoming funding opportunities into a once-weekly email distributed each Wednesday. To promote a funding opportuntity in the newsletter, email Melissa Peerless for foundation opportunities or Eva Olivares for other categories of funding opportunities.

Notice of Proposal Eligibility

Note that when a proposal is selected for funding, the sponsor will provide their terms and conditions to the University to review, negotiate and accept. Sponsors do not negotiate terms before the award is issued and the terms are often not publicly available. The Office of Research Administration works hard to ensure the terms are agreeable to the sponsor and acceptable to UM.




Open call (applications accepted at any point throughout the year; awards based on availability of funds)

One-time Relief Funding Opportunity

The OVPRS and OFA are providing a one-time relief funding opportunity for ongoing research and scholarship. We are specifically targeting faculty needing to: 

  • Cover costs related to research/scholarship (e.g., paying graduate assistants to travel to study sites) 
  • Transition data collection efforts to a different modality and/or exploring new research/scholarly methodologies to overcome study limitations 
  • Collect limited pilot data which would support an application to an extramural funding agency 

*This list is not exhaustive and is intended to provide examples of the types of support potentially provided via this funding mechanism. 

Award Amount and Allowability 

Up to $10,000 in funds can be requested for direct research and scholarly expenses incurred during the award period. Funds cannot be used to pay for faculty salary.   

Allowable expenses may include: 

  • Purchase of supplies and other direct research costs, such as travel (when allowed and subject to University of Miami travel guidelines), creative materials, access to archives, data collection, participant or stakeholder incentives, software, web designers, and rent for performance space
  • Utilization of University-based cores and other support services
  • Compensation for undergraduate and graduate students
  • External research/scholarship support services (with justification)


All full-time University Faculty (i.e., regular, research, librarian, and educator faculty) are eligible to apply.  Adjunct and instructor faculty are not eligible for this award.   

Please see RFA for additional information. 

Proposals should be submitted via InfoReady ( 



Limited Submission Competitions are external solicitations that limit the number of proposals an institution may submit. Anyone wishing to apply to a limited submission award (one which limits the applications that can be received from each institution) must coordinate with Eva Olivares in Research Development & Evaluation.

January 3, 2023 by 5PM

STAT Madness

Program Announcement:

Note: To be considered for this competition, interested applicants MUST submit an internal application via the InfoReady System (see 'view competition' link below to apply).

Purpose: STAT Madness is a celebration of extraordinary science and school spirit. It’s a chance to brag about your alma mater and its work on the frontiers of medicine. We are thrilled to announce the STAT Madness competition, when universities, medical schools, and nonprofit research institutions compete for recognition that they have produced the most exciting biomedical discovery or innovation of the past year. STAT Madness is a contest in two parts: one, a fan favorite, voted on by you, bracket-style, and two, an editors’ pick of the top innovation or discovery of 2022 in biomedical science.


  • Research performed at any accredited U.S. university or college and published in a peer-reviewed journal in 2022.
  • Research performed at any research institution or medical center affiliated with an accredited U.S. university or college, and published in a peer-reviewed journal in 2022.
  • Research performed at any research institution not affiliated with an accredited U.S. university or college, so long as one of the collaborators on the research team is from an accredited U.S. university or college; the research must have been published in a peer-reviewed journal in 2022.

Internal Submission Deadline: Tuesday, January 3, 2023 by 5 p.m. ET

View Competition

December 15, 2022 by 5PM

The Mary Kay Foundation Cancer Research Grant

Purpose: The Mary Kay Ash Foundation, a funding source for cancer research, is currently accepting applications for innovative grants for translational research of cancers affecting women, including but not limited to breast, cervical, endometrial, ovarian, uterine or cancers predominantly affecting women.

The grant will be up to $100,000 ($50,000/year combined direct and indirect costs) for a two-year period. The Foundation anticipates funding between 10 and 15 grants.

Eligibility: Principal Investigator must be appointed a full-time assistant professor or higher at the time of application submission and commit a minimum 5% effort.

Internal Submission Deadline: Thursday, December 15, 2022 by 5p.m. ET

View Competition


Internal Opportunities

December 14, 2022

American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant Pilot Projects - Letter of Intent

Funding Opportunity Description: This funding opportunity provides 'seed money' to beginning (junior) investigators who have no current peer reviewed research grant support, with the goals of encouraging cancer research and serving as a catalyst for the submission of national research grants. Awardees are expected to agree to participate in research-related activities at the request of the ACS. Funding Opportunity Purpose: This competition is a result of an ACS Institutional Research Grant to the University of Miami. The purpose is to support junior faculty and encourage independent cancer research.

Award Budget: $55,000


Foundation & Corporate Grants

Please contact the Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations if you would like to pursue any of the following corporate or foundation funding opportunities. The team can provide assistance with writing, editing, institutional information, and application submission.

Deadline: Rolling

Glenn W. Bailey Foundation Grant Program

The Glenn W. Bailey Foundation aims to foster pathways to success in globally competitive STEM careers for students in the United States by supporting projects which encourage, enhance and advance STEM education in the United States; and promoting projects which provide career opportunities for individuals with STEM education backgrounds.

Specifically, the Foundation seeks to fund projects and programs that give students and educators more resources for developing and participating in STEM-based, hands-on learning.

Programs supporting students in preschool through high school, or collegiate or vocational studies is eligible.

A key focus area for the foundation is: innovative environmental projects/ideas that benefit Florida’s unique ecosystem.

This includes initiatives aimed at restoring the Everglades and Florida’s coral reefs, beach-plastic remediation, ocean and/or Everglades education programs for K-12 students, and wildlife habitat education and/or restoration.

  • Grant Amount: $25,000 to $75,000 over one year
  • Deadline: Rolling

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to the Glenn W. Bailey Foundation, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at

January 12, 2023

Burroughs Wellcome Fund Climate Change and Human Health Seed Grants

The Burroughs Wellcome Fund aims to stimulate the growth of new connections between scholars working in largely disconnected fields who might together change the course of climate change’s impact on human health. 

The Foundation is particularly but not exclusively interested in activities that build connections between basic/early biomedical scientific approaches and ecological, environmental, geological, geographic, and planetary-scale thinking, as well as with population-focused fields including epidemiology and public health, demography, economics, and urban planning. Also of interest is work piloting new approaches or new interactions toward reducing the impact of health-centered activities, for example, developing more sustainable systems for health care, care delivery, and biomedical research systems. Another area of interest is preparation for the impacts of extreme weather and other crises that can drive large scale disruptions that will immediately impact human health and delivery of health care. Public outreach, climate communication, and education efforts focused on the intersection of climate and health are also appropriate for this call. 

Note: This call focuses on developing partnerships. Proposals from single institutions must develop partnerships that do not already occur naturally. Proposals from more than one institution are responsive to this call.

  • Grant Amount: $50,000 (IDC are not covered)
  • Next Deadline: January 12, 2023

If you are interested in submitting a pre-proposal for the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Climate Change and Human Health Seed Grants, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at

January 11, 2023 (3:00 p.m.)

W.T. Grant Foundation Research Grants on Reducing Inequality

The W.T. Grant Foundation seeks to support research to build, test, or increase understanding of programs, policies, or practices to reduce inequality in the academic, social, behavioral, or economic outcomes of young people ages 5-25 in the United States. The Foundation prioritizes studies that aim to reduce inequalities that exist along dimensions of race, ethnicity, economic standing, language minority status, or immigrant origins.

  • Descriptive studies that clarify mechanisms for reducing inequality or elucidate how or why a specific program, policy, or practice operates to reduce inequality are welcomed.
  • Projects will be accepted from a range of disciplines and methodologies, and can include investigations into various systems, including justice, housing, child welfare, mental health, and education.
  • Successful proposals will identify a specific inequality in youth outcomes and engage with extant literature on its causes and consequences; make a compelling case for the basis of inequality it will address; and articulate how the findings from the research will help build, test, or increase understanding of a program, policy, or practice to reduce the inequality.  
  • Competitive proposals often incorporate data from multiple sources and often involve multidisciplinary teams.
  • Grant Amount: $100,000 to $600,000 over up to three years (including 15% IDC)
  • Letter of Inquiry Deadline: January 11, 2023 (3:00 p.m.)

 If you are interested in submitting an LOI for the W. T. Grant Foundation Research Grants on Reducing Inequality, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at

January 11, 2023 (3:00 p.m.)

W.T. Grant Foundation Research Grants on Improving the Use of Research Evidence

This program supports research on strategies to improve the use of research evidence in ways that benefit young people ages 5-25 in the United States.

The Foundation seeks to address unanswered questions that are critical to understanding how to improve the production and use of research evidence; and to build evidence supporting the notion that research use in policy and practice will necessarily improve youth outcomes. It supports scientific inquiry that will help to illuminate the conditions under which using research evidence improves decision making, policy implementation, service delivery, and, ultimately, youth outcomes – research on the use of research.

Toward this end, the Foundation seeks studies that identify, build, and test strategies to enhance the use of research evidence in ways that benefit youth. Particularly: research on improving the use of research evidence by state and local decision makers, mid-level managers, and intermediaries. Projects may focus on the strategies, relationships, and other supports needed for policy and practice organizations to use research more routinely and constructively; structures and incentives within the research community to encourage deep engagement with decision makers; activities that help findings inform policy ideas, shape practice responses, and improve systems; or other projects.

Specific aims: Building, identifying, or testing ways to improve the use of existing research evidence; Building identifying, or testing ways to facilitate the production of new research evidence that responds to decision-makers’ needs; Testing whether and under what conditions using research evidence improves decision-making and youth outcomes.

  • Grant Amount: $100,000 to $1,000,000 over two to four years (including 15% IDC)
  • Letter of Inquiry Deadline: January 11, 2023 (3:00 p.m.)

If you are interested in submitting an LOI for the W.T. Grant Foundation Research Grants on Improving the Use of Research Evidence, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at

Intent to Apply – January 12, 2023 – Note: The Spencer Foundation does not evaluate Intent to Apply documents, but uses them to select external reviewers. Full Proposal – February 22, 2023

Spencer Foundation Large Research Grants on Education

This program supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived.

The goal is to support rigorous, intellectually ambitious and technically sound research that is relevant to the most pressing questions and compelling opportunities in education.

Spencer does not specify research topic, discipline, design, or method.

  • Grant Amount: $125,000 to $500,000 over one to five years (including 15% IDC)
  • Deadline: Intent to Apply – January 12, 2023 – Note: The Spencer Foundation does not evaluate Intent to Apply documents, but uses them to select external reviewers. Full Proposal– February 22, 2023

If you are interested in applying for the Spencer Foundation Large Research Grants on Education, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at

January 11, 2023

Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) Program Pilot Awards

The mission of the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) is to improve the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) by funding innovative research of the highest quality and relevance.

The goal of the Pilot Award is to provide early support for exploratory ideas, particularly those with novel hypotheses. Appropriate projects for this mechanism include those considered higher risk but with the potential for transformative results. Projects that represent continuations of ongoing work (whether funded by SFARI or other funders) are not appropriate for this mechanism.

This funding mechanism is particularly suitable for investigators who are new to the autism field, though we encourage those new to the field to consult with experts in autism research to ensure their projects are relevant to the human condition.

Applications that propose research to link genetic or other ASD risk factors to molecular, cellular, circuit or behavioral mechanisms and set the stage for development of novel interventions are specifically requested.

  • Grant Amount: Up to $300,000 over one to two years (including 20% IDC)
  • Deadline: January 11, 2023

If you are interested in applying for the Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative (SFARI) Program Pilot Awards, please contact the Office of Foundation Relations at


Other Opportunities

December 16, 2022

The Puentes Consortium

Program Announcement:

Puentes is a United States-Mexico consortium of universities aiming to promote multidisciplinary research on issues of importance to the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico.

Research Grants for up to $20,000 USD to collaborate with Mexican counterparts. Applications for funding opportunities are available for faculty, research staff and doctoral students.

Information Session: Oct 26 at 5pm (ET)

For more information, please: or email infopuentes@rice.edufor more information.


Government Funding Opportunities

Supplement Available

NIGMS Diversity Supplements to Support Master's Degree Students

NIGMS is accepting diversity supplement applications to support master's degree students who are planning to apply to Ph.D. or M.D/Ph.D. programs. This opportunity is part of the Diversity Supplements Program, which facilitates the recruitment and training of promising scientists from diverse backgrounds (including invidividuals from groups underrepresented in the biomedical research workforce).  The broader goal of the program is to enhance the diversity of the biomedical research enterprise.  

As noted in the diversity supplements funding announcement (PAR-21-071), eligible candidates must be United States citizens or permanent residents. The proposed research experience must be within the scope of the PD’s/PI’s active NIGMS research grant, and the focus of the application should be on advancing the candidate’s research career.

PIs with eligible candidates are strongly encouraged to discuss potential diversity supplement requests with the program officer of their grant before applying. We also encourage all potential applicants to contact us to discuss the proposed training and career development plan and supplement application process before preparing an application. Read more>>

March 23, 2023 by 11:59PM (Pre-applications due: January 5, 2023 by 5PM)

Department of Energy Early Career Research Program for FY 2023

Program Announcement: Department of Energy Announces Early Career Research Program for FY 2023 

  • The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced it is accepting proposals for the 2023 DOE Office of Science Early Career Research Program to support the research of outstanding scientists early in their careers. The program will support over 80 early career researchers for five years at U.S. academic institutions, DOE national laboratories, and Office of Science user facilities
  • To be eligible for the program, a researcher must be an untenured, tenure-track assistant or associate professor at a U.S. academic institution or a full-time employee at a DOE national laboratory or Office of Science user facility
  • To address special circumstances and challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Science is extending the eligibility window for this competition from 10 to 12 years for all applicants
  • Awards to an institution of higher education will be approximately $875,000 over five years and awards to a DOE national laboratory average around $2,500,000 over five years
  • The funding level for institutions of higher education has been raised to encourage these institutions to increase graduate student stipends
  • Pre-applications are mandatory and are due on Thursday, January 5, 2023, at 5:00 PM ET
  • Applications will be due on Thursday, March 23, 2023, at 11:59 PM ET
  • Only those applicants that receive notification from DOE encouraging a formal proposal may submit full proposals

A webinar on this opportunity will be held on November 30th at 3pm ET. Please register here:

Link to FOA:

January 4, 2023 by 5PM

Public Health AmeriCorps

AmeriCorps recently announced a new round of funding for Public Health AmeriCorps
Public Health AmeriCorps, launched in partnership with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a $400 million investment to engage new communities and individuals in public health, recruiting and building a new workforce ready to respond to the nation’s public health needs. Last year, over 80 organizations were awarded a total of more than $60 million.

Funding is open to nonprofit, faith-based, tribal, and community-based organizations; higher education institutions; state, local, and territorial government entities, including local public health departments.  
Is your organization seeking capacity to address a public health issue? Learn more about how to apply for a Public Health AmeriCorps grant! 

To learn more:

  • Register for the webinar on October 25, 2022 at 1PM ET: FY23 AmeriCorps State and National NOFOs Best Practices in Developing Performance Measures. This session will support organizations in developing their applications. 
  • Watch the Intro to AmeriCorps Webinar session recording, recommend for anyone new to AmeriCorps funding
  • Read about the first cohort of Public Health AmeriCorps grantees here
  • Apply for funding here!

The deadline for applications to the 2023 AmeriCorps State and National Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is Wednesday, January 4, 2023  at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. AmeriCorps State and National expects that successful applicants will be notified by mid-April 2023.

2023 AmeriCorps State and National Funding Priorities

AmeriCorps State and National seeks to prioritize the investment of national service resources in the following areas:

  • Organizations leading service in communities with concentrated poverty, rural communities, tribal communities, and those organizations serving historically underrepresented and underserved individuals, including but not limited to communities of color, immigrants and refugees, people with disabilities, people who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community, people with arrest and/or conviction records, and religious minorities;  
  • Evidence-based interventions on the AmeriCorps Evidence Exchange that are assessed as having Moderate or Strong evidence. Please note that many of these interventions have demonstrated effectiveness in improving outcomes for individuals living in underserved communities and that the agency has committed resources to supporting grantees seeking to replicate and evaluate these interventions in similar communities;
  • Veterans and Military Families, Caregivers, and Survivors – a program model that improves the quality of life of veterans and improves the well-being of military and veteran families, caregivers, and survivors, 
  • Faith-based organizations;
  • Programs that provide additional benefits to AmeriCorps members aimed at enhancing member experience and bolstering member recruitment and retention such as paying more than the minimum living allowance, transportation, housing, food, etc.;
  • Programs that create workforce pathways for AmeriCorps members, including deliberate training, certifications, and hiring preferences or support; and
  • Environmental Stewardship, including supporting communities to become more resilient through measures that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve land and water, increase renewable energy use and improve at-risk ecosystems, especially in underserved households and communities.
  • Economic Mobility Corps

For more information, visit or contact

December 17, 2022 by 5PM

Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (R35 - Clinical Trial Optional) (MIRA)

The Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) provides support for the program of research in an investigator's laboratory that is within the mission of NIGMS. The goal of MIRA is to increase the efficiency and efficacy of NIGMS funding. It is anticipated that this program will:

  • Increase the stability of funding for NIGMS-supported investigators, which could enhance their ability to take on ambitious scientific projects and approach problems more creatively;
  • Increase flexibility for investigators to follow important new research directions within the NIGMS mission as opportunities arise, rather than being bound to specific aims proposed in advance of the studies;
  • More widely distribute funding among the nation's highly talented and promising investigators to increase overall scientific productivity and the chances for important breakthroughs;
  • Reduce the time spent by researchers writing and reviewing grant applications, allowing them to spend more time conducting research;
  • Enable investigators to devote more time and energy to mentoring trainees in a more stable research environment.

This FOA allows applications from eligible NIGMS-funded investigators and from New Investigators proposing research within the scientific mission of NIGMS. The FOA also allows renewal applications from all current MIRA grantees (established investigators and those previously funded as early-stage investigators). PD/PIs who are currently Early Stage Investigators (ESIs) should apply through the ESI MIRA FOA and should not apply through this FOA.

Webinar Information: Friday, October 21, 12:30-2:00 p.m. ET

Zoom meeting link (Meeting ID: 160 903 8368 / Passcode: NIGMS)

To view a simplified decision tree to determine a PI's eligibility for MIRA, please see the Eligibility Flowchart PDF

January 27, 2023 (5:00 PM submitter’s local time)

Preparing Supplemental Funding Requests in and Upcoming FastLane Proposal Decommissioning Deadlines

We are pleased to announce that supplemental funding requests including Career-Life Balance requests can now be prepared in Supplemental funding requests can be submitted in regardless of the system used (, FastLane, or for proposal submission. FastLane supplemental funding request functionality will remain available in parallel for the preparation and submission of new requests until January 27, 2023.

In addition, the last two proposal types for the Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) and the Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR) will be enabled in for the fiscal year (FY) 2023 competitions. With all proposal and submission types soon fully supported in, the system will be ready for the transition from FastLane for the preparation and submission of all new proposals in late January 2023, when the Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 23-1) is effective. The last day to submit new proposals in FastLane is January 27, 2023.

Please see the table of important FastLane transition deadlines below. Additional information will be forthcoming on the transition of other FastLane functionality and a FastLane Decommissioning webpage is being developed.

Important FastLane Proposal Preparation and Supplemental Funding Request Transition Deadlines

Action Deadline

Last day to submit new proposals in FastLane

*Note that FastLane remains a submission option for only 9% of current funding opportunities as of October 24.
Friday, January 27, 2023 (5:00 PM submitter’s local time)
Last day to submit new supplemental funding requests in FastLane Friday, January 27, 2023 (5:00 PM submitter’s local time)   
Last day to submit proposal file updates/budget revisions in FastLane Friday, September 29, 2023 (5:00 PM submitter’s local time)


New Supplemental Funding Request Functionality

  • The Supplemental Funding Request System has many features to help reduce administrative burden, including:
    • Intuitive and dynamic interfaces which provide only relevant preparation options;
    • Inline help features;
    • Fast document uploads and immediate feedback within each section; and
    • Automated compliance checks with specific, actionable warning and error messages.
  • The new Supplemental Funding Request Demo Site can be used to explore preparing supplemental requests and to check the compliance of uploaded documents.
  • The supplemental funding request functionality and demo site are accessible from new links within the Awards & Reporting tile on the My Desktop page after signing in to
  • Topic-specific Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and demo site guidance are posted on the new About Supplemental Funding Request Preparation and Submission
  • Please refer to PAPPG Chapter VI.E.5. for supplemental funding request policy guidance.

New SBIR and STTR Proposal Types

  • Proposers will prepare and submit SBIR and STTR Phase I and Phase II proposals in for the FY 2023 competitions.
  • SBIR and STTR proposal types will be available to try out on the gov Proposal Preparation Demo Site (you will be prompted to sign in to if you are not already signed in) after the SBIR and STTR program solicitations for the FY 2023 competitions are published. Proposal and Supplemental Funding Request Feedback

NSF wants your feedback on the proposal preparation and submission functionality, as well as on the new supplemental funding request enhancements. Your input helps NSF to ensure the systems and demo site features are working as intended and to identify areas of improvement. Feedback may be submitted on the Feedback page. Submitted feedback is reviewed on an ongoing basis by NSF's Business Office. 

Questions? If you have IT system-related questions, please contact the NSF Help Desk at 1-800-381-1532 (7:00 AM - 9:00 PM ET; Monday - Friday except federal holidays) or via email to Policy-related questions should be directed to

NIH Funding Opportunities and Notices for the Week

  • Funding Notices for the Week. Investigators interested in submitting a proposal to a limited submission grant, award, or fellowship program (one that restricts the number of applications that can be submitted from an institution), should immediately contact Eva Olivares in the Office of the Vice Provost for Research + Scholarship. 
  • Updated Requirements for NIH Notification of Removal or Disciplinary Action Involving Program Directors/Princial Investigators or other Senior/Key Personnel. Section 239 now requires that, “[t]he Director of the National Institutes of Health shall hereafter require institutions that receive funds through a grant or cooperative agreement during fiscal year 2022 and in future years to notify the Director when individuals identified as a principal investigator or as key personnel in an NIH notice of award are removed from their position or are otherwise disciplined due to concerns about harassment, bullying, retaliation, or hostile working conditions.” Therefore, effective 60 days from the publication of this Notice, NIH recipient institutions are required to notify NIH when individuals identified as PD/PI or other Senior/Key personnel in an NIH notice of award are removed from their position or are otherwise disciplined by the recipient institution due to concerns about harassment, bullying, retaliation or hostile working conditions. Notification must be provided by the Authorized Organization Representative within 30 days of the removal or disciplinary action and must be submitted to NIH through a dedicated web form.
  • NIH NIAID Technology Transfer Fellowship ProgramFellows will be mentored by professionals that work side-by-side with with world-renowned NIAID and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) scientists and will be part of the team that helps transfer innovations from the lab to commercial products (including vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics) that benefit global public health.
  • NIH Grants Policy Statement (Rev. Dec 2021) This update is applicable to all NIH grants and cooperative agreements with budget periods beginning on or after October 1, 2021. This update supersedes, in its entirety, the NIHGPS dated April 2021. Previous versions of the NIHGPS remain applicable as standard terms and conditions of award for all NIH grants and cooperative agreements with budget periods that began prior to October 1, 2021. This update incorporates new and modified requirements, clarifies certain policies, and implements changes in statutes, regulations, and policies that have been implemented through appropriate legal and/or policy processes since the previous version of the NIHGPS dated April 2021.
  • Childcare Funding Available for Pre/Post Docs Full-time appointed predoctoral and postdoctoral NIH-NRSA supported trainees are eligible to  receive $2,500 per budget period for childcare costs provided by a  licensed childcare provider. For households where both parents are eligible full-time predoctoral or postdoctoral NRSA trainees, each parent is eligible to receive $2,500.
  • Guidance on Salary Limitation for Grants and Cooperative Agreements This Notice provides information regarding the salary limitation for NIH grant and cooperative agreement awards and extramural research and development contract awards. Since 1990, Congress has legislatively mandated a limitation on direct salary for individuals under NIH grant and cooperative agreement awards (referred to here as a grant). The mandate appears in the annual appropriation act that provides authority for NIH to incur obligations for a given Fiscal Year (FY). At this time, NIH has not received an FY 2022 appropriation and is operating under a Continuing Resolution, the "Continuing Appropriations Act, 2022" (Public Law 117-70), that applies the terms and conditions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021.
  • Notice for the NIGMS Grant Writing Webinar Series for Institutions Building Research and Research Training Capacity The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) will host an informational webinar series for faculty and sponsored programs/research development personnel from institutions building research and research training capacity. During the webinars, suggestions will be shared for navigating the process of seeking NIH funding. Attendees will learn considerations for determining research idea and grant writing readiness, selecting opportunities to apply for, effectively writing a grant application, and seeking appropriate feedback. Registration is required to attend.