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Research Events Round-Up

The Office of the Vice Provost for Research & Scholarship gathers all the research events posted to our listservs into a once-weekly email, and we also feature them on our new online calendar. Check out our primer on how to promote your event or email for help.


Upcoming Events

Wednesday, June 21, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC) for Coordinators

This class is intended for individuals who have the role of Effort Coordinator in the Employee Compensation Compliance System (ECC). This session will cover the responsibilities of the effort coordinator in the ECC System.

This will be offered as a Zoom Meeting.

Registration is through  ULearn.

Key word ECC

Friday, June 23, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC) for Coordinators

This class is intended for individuals who have the role of Effort Coordinator in the Employee Compensation Compliance System (ECC). This session will cover the responsibilities of the effort coordinator in the ECC System.

This will be offered as a Zoom Meeting.

Registration is through  ULearn.

Key word ECC

Tuesday, June 27, 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Research Administration at the U

This class is part of the RAU Curriculum.

This class provides a fundamental overview of research administration at the University of Miami  from proposal submission through award close and includes basic terminology, regulatory compliance, award negotiation, setup, reporting obligations, audits, and overall award management.

Please register to the RAU Curriculum in ULearn first and access this class through the Curriculum. It is important to complete this class in the order that the Curriculum is set up. If you would like to take this class as a standalone course, please contact

Wednesday, June 28, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC) for Coordinators

This class is intended for individuals who have the role of Effort Coordinator in the Employee Compensation Compliance System (ECC). This session will cover the responsibilities of the effort coordinator in the ECC System.

This will be offered as a Zoom Meeting.

Registration is through ULearn.

Key word ECC

Thursday & Friday, June 29-30, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Free 2-Day Scientific Computing "R" Workshop at Medical Campus

Scientific Computing Workshops help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. Participants will be encouraged to help one another and to apply what they have learned to their own research problems.

It will be held at Miami Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Don Soffer Clinical Research Center, Rooms 710 R&Q on June 29 & 30.  For more information visit the website or email

Friday, June 30, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC) for Coordinators

This class is intended for individuals who have the role of Effort Coordinator in the Employee Compensation Compliance System (ECC). This session will cover the responsibilities of the effort coordinator in the ECC System.

This will be offered as a Zoom Meeting.

Registration is through ULearn.

Thursday, July 6, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Understanding Uniform Guidance

This Class is part of the RAU Curriculum.

This class provides an in-depth look at the Uniform Guidance for the sponsored grants and agreements.

Please register to the RAU Curriculum in ULearn first and access this CBL through the Curriculum. It is important to complete this class in the order that the Curriculum is set up. If you would like to take this class as a standalone course, please contact

Register in ULearn.

Monday, July 10, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Medicare Coverage Analysis (MCA) in Clinical Research

The Office of the Vice Provost for Research is offering a course for Principal Investigators, Clinical Research Coordinators, Research Financial Administrators, departments’ regulatory personnel, research patients schedulers, and anyone involved in review of Medicare Coverage Analysis (MCA), a document which lists all items and services to be provided as part of a clinical trial with notations of what should be billed to the research sponsor and what can be billed to Medicare.

The course reviews the fundamentals, variables, and process of developing Medicare Coverage Analysis and its impact on the clinical research financial sustainability, research billing compliance and ability to recruit and retain research patients. Practical cases will be presented and discussed and hands-on materials provided, followed by Q & A time in the end.

Register in advance in ULearn. A link to register/join this webinar in Zoom will be provided 24 hour prior to the session. 

Tuesday, July 11, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

IBISResearch: Create and Submit a Proposal

This class is part of the RAU Curriculum and a pre-requisite to IBISResearch Managing Awards.

This hands-on workshop focusing on Proposals, is intended for administrators and researchers to learn how to navigate the system, create a funding proposal, SF424 federal application, and budgets (including cost share and subaward budgets) in IBISResearch.  Participants will route a proposal for department approval and submit to ORA for final review and submission to the sponsor. 

The learning objectives of this session are:

·        Describe IBISResearch terminology 

·        Demonstrate the navigation of IBISResearch

·        Practice how to create a funding proposal and budgets (including cost share and subaward) in IBISResearch

If you would like to get credit for the RAU curriculum, please register to the RAU Curriculum in ULearn first and access this class through the Curriculum. It is important to complete this class in the order that the Curriculum is set up. If you would like to take this class as a standalone online course, please contact

Note: You must complete the following in order to access this class: Introduction to ORA Class, Introduction to IBISResearch CBL and the IBISResearch Create and Submit a Proposal Video.

Wednesday, July 12, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

IBISResearch: Agreements

This hands-on workshop focusing Agreements, is intended for administrators and researchers to learn how to navigate the system and create agreements in IBISResearch. Individuals who submit contracts or agreements to ORA regularly are encouraged to attend this workshop. Additionally, it is recommended that Individuals take the IBISResearch: Create and Submit a Proposal for a more in-depth knowledge of IBISResearch prior to attending this workshop.  

The objectives of this session are:

1. Demonstrate the new terminology and navigation of the system.

2. Practice how to create agreements in IBISResearch.

This is an elective course in the RAU Curriculum. Register in ULearn.

Thursday, July 13, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

IBISResearch: Managing Awards

This hands-on workshop focusing on award management, is intended for administrators and researchers involved in setting up and managing sponsored activities in IBISResearch. Participants will create a continuation, revision, and resubmission application. They will also learn how to submit a Just-In-Time request, or respond to an Agency Request, request an award modification and create an agreement from a related proposal.

The objectives of this session are:

1. Practice how to edit and complete the Funding Award in IBISResearch.

2. Identify how to create an award modification in IBISResearch.

3. Demonstrate how to create follow-up proposals (continuation, revision, resubmission, and renewal).

This class is part of the RAU Curriculum and it is the fourth module in the IBISResearch Training. If you would like to get credit for the RAU curriculum, please register to the RAU Curriculum in ULearn first and access this class through the Curriculum. It is important to complete this module in the order that the Curriculum is set up. The pre-requisites for this class are: Introduction to IBISResearch, IBISResearch Submit and Create a Proposal Video and the IBISResearch Submit and Create a Proposal Hands-on Workshop.

Wednesdays 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Complion Office Hours

The OVPRS Research Intelligence and Data Infrastructure team will start offering Complion office hours Wednesdays from 1:00-2:00p. This is an informal session (Q&A format) to address your questions, issues, requirements, and wish lists.  Stay as short or as long as you’d like. To learn more about Complion and the onboarding process, please visit  Please review the Use of Electronic Regulatory Binders in FDA-Regulated Research policy to understand if Complion is required for your study.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Tuesdays & Thursdays, 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Human Subjects Research Office Virtual Office Hours UPDATES

One-on-one opportunity to connect with Human Subjects Research Office team members for questions and guidance, open to anyone involved in human subjects research at the University of Miami or the Jackson Health System. First come, first serve, no appointments necessary. 

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