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DEF no longer required for human subjects research in IBISResearch-IRB

Effective 8/23/2023 - Data Exchange Form (DEF) no longer required for human subjects research projects routed in IBISResearch-IRB

Dear Colleagues:
Given the mutual commitment of Jackson Health System and the University of Miami to jointly advance research, streamline workflows, and reduce administrative burden in accordance with the ONENESS Initiative, the Data Exchange Form (DEF) is no longer required for research projects routed in IBIS Research-IRB.  This change is effective for all projects submitted to the IRB on or after August 23, 2023.
In keeping with Investigator responsibilities, when submitting human subject research in IBIS Research-IRB, you are certifying compliance to items highlighted below, which will now include review and acknowledgment of the Revised Master Mutual Data Use Agreement (DUA) between both institutions.

By clicking on OK below, you are verifying that:
  • You have obtained the agreement of each research staff to his/her role in the research.
  • You will conduct this Human Research in accordance with requirements in the HRP-103 - Investigator Manual.
You assure the following:
  • The information submitted in this application is true, complete, and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
  • That you (as Principal Investigator) agree to conduct and to report this study in a responsible manner, free from fabrication, falsification, and/or plagiarism.
  • That you have taken into account appropriate security measures to protect data.
  • That the account number (driver worktag ID) included with this submission can be used for applicable IRB and/or compliance fees.   

                                                                                                                                           **For studies involving Jackson Health System:
This is in effect under the PI assurance statement on the Submit activity for the submission types below:
  1. Initial Studies
  2. IRB Sites
  3. Modifications
 For those already in queue, a separate email will be sent out to those impacted for acknowledgement.
Additional information will be forthcoming.  In the meantime, if you experience any issues, please reach out to
Research Intelligence & Data Infrastructure


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