As the year comes to a close, we want to take a moment thank you for your continued support. Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful holiday season and a bright New Year ahead!
Jason Jent, PhD
Jason Jent, PhD, Assistant Director of the Mailman Center for Child Development and Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, was the recipient of the Micah Batchelor Award for Excellence in Children’s Health Research, for his project, “Enhancing Pocket PCIT with Generative AI: A randomized controlled trial to improve engagement, retention, and outcomes in a digital parenting intervention for children with disruptive behavior.” The purpose of the Micah Batchelor Award is to support significant and innovative research aimed at improving the health and healthcare of children in the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Department of Pediatrics. Positioned in the photograph from left are Dr. Shiyu Luo, Dr. Teresa del. Moral, Jon Batchelor, Dr. Vaka Kristin Sigurjonsdottir and Dr. Jason Jent.
Elizabeth Pulgaron, PhD
Dr. Elizabeth Pulgaron led the School Health Initiative team to win a video contest for the School Based Health Alliance’s Back-to-School: "Unboxing School-Based Health Center" video contest, for their video “School-Based Health Centers: More Than Just a Band-Aid” that features the clinic at Booker T. Washington High School.
Stephen Sheinkopf, PhD
The developmental course and emergent nature of autism makes studying the condition challenging in infancy. However, research study designs and novel methods of measurement are available to address these challenges. Dr. Sheinkopf discussed approaches to investigating autism in infancy in the context of several recent and ongoing longitudinal studies. Challenges to and opportunities for future translation of research findings into clinical application were also explored.
Ron Prinz, PhD
Interventions involving families and parenting help prevent behavioral and mental health problems, child maltreatment, and issues like childhood obesity. Two strategies are key: (1) a population approach with broader intervention and analysis, and (2) a classic approach focusing on the child or family. This Grand Rounds session highlighted the characteristics and limitations of each in the context of evidence-based parenting support, such as the Triple P system. Examples of both approaches demonstrated key features and implications.
Research Publications & Presentations
Moskowitz, K.A., Kenworthy LaMarca, T., Campez-Pardo, M., Guevara, G., & Pulgaron, E.R. (2024, November). Championing Inclusive Futures: Psychologists in School Health Clinics Advancing Diversity in Healthcare Professions. Poster presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) 58th Annual Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Moskowitz, K.A, Campez-Pardo, M., Kenworthy-LaMarca, T., Guevara, G., & Pulgaron, E.R. (2024, December). Empowering Student Voices: A Peer-Led Assessment of School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs). Poster presented at the 2024 Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health, Orlando, FL.
Campez-Pardo, M., Kenworthy-LaMarca, T., Guevara, G., Moskowitz, K. A., & Pulgaron, E.R. (2024, December). Starting the conversation: Suicide Prevention Intervention for High School Students. Poster presented at the 2024 Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health, Orlando, FL.
ACCESS Miami is a local website designed to help Miami's disability community to find resources. The Mailman Center spearheaded this project partnering with the Center for Independent Living of South Florida, The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis and Nothing About Us Without Us, Inc. It’s a one-stop information and resource hub. In ACCESS Miami’s website, people with disabilities, caregivers and their allies will find reliable information and resources that span across multiple categories, including advocacy, education, employment, finance, health, independent living, parent support, social, and transportation. The website has been evaluated and approved by peers.
The teams strives to improve the website. Please give feedback on their survey and you could be entered to win a gift card. The deadline to complete the survey is January 17th.
Calendar of Upcoming Events