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Inernational Law Program News




United Nations Advocacy - Woven into Miami Law Curriculum

Students at the University of Miami School of Law have the unusual opportunity to advocate for issues with the United Nations. This takes place with faculty and through the Human Rights Clinic and Environmental Law Program.


Inter-American Law Review Symposium on French Restitution Payments to Haiti

The symposium illuminated the historical, political, social, legal, and economic challenges modern Haiti faces and welcomed scholars who discussed issues, from Haiti's sovereign debt to the mechanics of mounting an international legal case for restitution.


Faculty Organize and Participate in Annual SELA Conference

The Seminario en Latinoamérica de Teoría Constitucional y Política was held in Bogota, Colombia and attracts scholars from Latin America, the Caribbean, and Spain to discuss theoretical issues of law, society, and policy of significance to the Americas.


Elizabeth Iglesias Named Director of Doctor of Juridical Science S.J.D. Program

Professor Iglesias is an expert in Civil Rights, Constitutional Law, Law and Political Economy, LatCrit Theory and Philosophy of Law, and International Criminal Law and Procedure.


Scholars from ICC and ICSID at White & Case International Arbitration Lectures

Meg Kinnear, secretary-general of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and Claudia Salomon, President of the International Chamber of Commerce International Court of Arbitration spoke at the prestigious annual lectures.


Top 25 in International Law in Latest U.S. News Law School Specialty Rankings

With a 65-year history of engagement with international and comparative law and 20+ faculty members who teach or do scholarly research in the area, the law school’s specialty program has moved up and been ranked among the top in the nation.




International Law News


Faculty International Law


Global & International Law Program


More International Law News

Alejandro Portes Co-Authors New Book on Global Urban Studies

Professor Pablo Rueda Saiz Writes & Talks About the Campaign to Stop Oil Drilling on Indigenous Lands

Miami Law Students Have Front Seat at COP27 in Egypt

International Moot Court Team Wins North American Round in Environmental Moot Court Competition

Judge Eduardo Robreno Named as Distinguished Jurist in Residence

Global Law Firm Funds Annual Postgraduate LLM Scholarship for Argentine Lawyers

White & Case/Carolyn B. Lamm Scholarship Awarded to New Zealand Lawyer

Students travel to Chile, Study Coastal Management

Human Rights Clinic Contributes to Challenge to Officer-perpetrated Gender-based Violence at European Court of Human Rights

Students Attend American Society of International Law Conference


Miami Law Explainer

In the weekly podcast from Miami Law, faculty experts examined and explained the law, one headline at a time. Episodes included:

S10 E4 Saving Colombia's Indigenous Land from Big Oil

Comparative law expert Pablo Rueda Saiz looks at the campaign to stop oil drilling on Indigenous lands.

S11 E1 The Global Heat Wave

Miami Law’s Director of the Environmental Justice Clinic Doug Ruley handicaps the planet's chance of surviving the climate crisis.

See all past podcasts.


Faculty Scholarship & Highlights

Paula Arias

Member, Scientific and Editorial Committee, UNIDA Cientifica Magazine, Universidad UNIDA.

Elected Vice President of the Colombian American Bar Association in USA.


Caroline S. Bettinger-Lopez

Opinion, Domestic-Violence Service Providers Need Our Help as Reports of Abuse Surge During COVID, MIA. HERALD, Feb. 4, 2022, at 13A (with R. Denisse Cordova Montes and Celia Davies) (2022).

Senior Advisor on Gender & Equality, U.S. Department of Justice.


Tamar Ezer

Calling for Holistic Maternal Care to Address Racial Disparities: The Role of Midwives and Doulas, BILL OF HEALTH BLOG (Aug. 2, 2023), (with Jordan Brooks).

Addressing Officer-Perpetrated Gender-Based Violence and Ending the “Blue Wall of Silence”, INTLAWGRRLS BLOG (Mar. 17, 2023).

Localizing Human Rights in Cities, 31 S. CAL. REV. L. & SOC. JUST. 67 (2022).

Gender Justice and Human Rights Symposium: Holistic Approaches to Gender Violence, U. MIAMI INT’L & COMPAR. L. REV., Fall 2022, at 217 (with Denisse Cordova Montes, et al.).

Presenter, “Creative Multimedia Advocacy in Clinical Legal Education,” AALS Clinical Conference, 2023.

Presenter, “Global Change at a Local Stage: Lessons Learned and Paths Forward for City-Academic Partnerships,” Occidental College’s Young Institute on the Global Political Economy and the University of Southern California’s Institute on Inequalities in Global Public Health, 2023.


Sandra Friedrich

International Commercial Arbitration Practice in the United States, in 1 INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION PRACTICE: 21ST CENTURY PERSPECTIVES 14-1 (Horacio A. Grigera Naón & Paul E. Mason eds., 2d ed. 2010 & rev. Dec. 2022) (with Richard L. Williamson & John H. Rooney, Jr).


Elizabeth Iglesias

Named Director of University of Miami School of Law’s Doctor of Juridical Science Program.


R. Denisse Cordova Montes

U.S. Anti-Black Immigration Policies are the Afterlife of Slavery, HUMAN RIGHTS AT HOME BLOG (May 30, 2023), (with Gabrielle Thomas).

Using International Human Rights Law to Address Hunger in the U.S., BUS., ENTREPRENEURSHIP & TAX L. REV., Fall 2022, at 1.

Gender Justice and Human Rights Symposium: Holistic Approaches to Gender Violence, U. MIAMI INT’L & COMPAR. L. REV., Fall 2022, at 217 (with Tamar Ezer, et al.).

Opinion, Domestic-Violence Service Providers Need Our Help as Reports of Abuse Surge During COVID, MIA. HERALD, Feb. 4, 2022, at 13A (with Caroline Bettinger-Lopez and Celia Davies).

Presenter, “Creative Multimedia Advocacy in Clinical Legal Education,” AALS Clinical Conference, 2023.

Presenter, “Global Change at a Local Stage: Lessons Learned and Paths Forward for City-Academic Partnerships,” Occidental College’s Young Institute on the Global Political Economy and the University of Southern California’s Institute on Inequalities in Global Public Health, 2023.


Jessica Owley

The Afterlife of Confederate Monuments, 98 IND. L.J. 371 (2023) (with Jess Phelps).

Confederate Heritage Organizations and Confederate Monument Removal, 71 WASH. U. J.L. & POL’Y 77 (2023) (with Jess Phelps).

Vermin of Proof: Arguments for the Admissibility of Animal Model Studies as Proof of Causation in Toxic Tort Litigation, 34 GEO. ENV'T L. REV. 303 (2022) (with Kristen Ranges).

Quoted in “Court Battles Will Ensue Following Approval of Oil Drilling Project.”

Quoted in “Score One for Youth on Climate Ruling."

Presenter, judicial obstacles to environmental protection with a focus on recent developments in takings law, Association of Law, Property, and Society (ALPS).

Participant, “The Future of Housing: Resilient Property Perspectives and Sustainable Solutions” at Spain’s Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law. (June 2023).

Presenter, book launch of Squatting and The State (by Lorna Fox O’Mahony and Marc Roark) at the University of Essex, discussing housing rights and environmental protection in the context of climate change (June 2023).

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Law, Property, and Society.

Co-founder, Environmental Law Collaborative.

Member, IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law and World Commission of Protected Areas.

Member, Resilience Property Theory Group. 

Member, Graduate Program Committee, University of Miami Climate Resilience Academy.


Bernard Oxman

The Fortieth Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 99 INT'L L. STUD. 865 (2022).

United States Representative, Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea.

Chair, English Language Group of the Conference Drafting Committee, United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Served as co-editor in chief of the American Journal of International Law.

Served as vice-president of the American Society of International Law.

Member, Institut de Droit International, the American Law Institute, and the Council on Foreign Relations.

Judge ad hoc, International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.


Ileana Porras



Alejandro Portes


Self-Employment as an Alternative to Labor Market Bifurcation: The Role of Human and Ethnic Social Capital, 62 POPULATION REV., no. 1, 2023, at 1 (with Ryan Bagwell).

Introduction: Cities and Migration, 46 ETHNIC & RACIAL STUD. 2280 (2023).


Pablo Rueda-Saiz

Targets, Fields, and Tactics: Multi-Institutional Legal Mobilization in the Campaign of the U’wa People in Colombia, 2 MICH. J.L. & SOC’Y 37 (2023).


Irwin Stotzky

Keeping Immigrants Out and Expelling Immigrants Who Are Here: Title 42 and The Migrant Protection Protocols Controversy, in 38 CIVIL RIGHTS LITIGATION AND ATTORNEY FEES ANNUAL HANDBOOK (Steven Saltzman ed., 2023).


Albert Jan van den Berg

Does an Annulled Award Constitute Legal Authority in Investment Arbitration? in ARBITRATION BEYOND BORDERS: ESSAYS IN MEMORY OF GUILLERMO AGUILAR ÁLVAREZ 447 (W. Michael Reisman & Nigel Blackaby eds., 2023).




6:00 pm

White & Case International Arbitration Lecture with Meg Kinnear, "ICSID Arbitration: Past, Present and Future"


6:00 pm

Louis Henkin Lecture on Human Rights with Ambassador Keith M. Harper, “Reassessing the Efficacy of the Rules-Based International Order in Promoting Human Rights, Peace, and Security in the Modern Age”


3:00 pm

“Wetlands Law: Emerging Trends and Challenges”


12:30 pm

“Fireside Chat on International Arbitration with Doak Bishop and Luke Sobota”


8:00 am

LatAm Investor-State Arbitration Conference


6:00 pm

White & Case International Arbitration Lecture with Claudia Salomon, “Awards and Rewards: Back to the Future”


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