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Faculty and Staff Parking Permit Sales

The following communication only applies to parking permit holders on the Coral Gables campus and does not include Gables One Tower permit holders.

As a reminder, faculty and staff parking permits are continuous permits; meaning that permits no longer need to be renewed online. No action is required if you wish to continue with your current assignment.

There is no increase in the permit price for the upcoming 2021-22 academic year. Click on the link to view the annual permit price. To make a change, cancel your permit, or discontinue payroll deductions, contact the Parking and Transportation department at

Faculty or staff members can request a change of zones at any time throughout the year. Requests will be granted based on availability (please note that the purple zone is full and not available for new permits or exchanges). Most zones become unavailable in July once permit sales open to students. The best time to request a change is before Monday, July 12, when student permit sales start. In most cases, requests submitted by a faculty or staff member during this period will be accommodated. 

Frequently asked questions:

Do I need to do anything if I am happy with my current parking permit selection?

  • No. If you are enrolled in the payroll deduction program, your permit will automatically renew during the summer. You will receive an email confirmation. 

Will my permit automatically renew if I cancelled it earlier in the year?

  • No. If you cancelled your permit earlier in the year, you will need to apply for a new permit.

Are there any exceptions to permits that are automatically renewed?

  • Yes. Permit holders who opted out of the payroll deduction program and used a credit card to pay for their permit will need to renew their permit. Contact Parking and Transportation prior to Monday, July 12, to ensure your current assignment is guaranteed.
  • Motorcycle permits do not automatically renew. Contact Parking and Transportation if you wish to renew your motorcycle permit.

How do I get a parking permit if I do not currently have one?

  • Faculty and staff permits are available now. Access your account through the Parking and Transportation portal. To get started, click on the image of the U labeled "Access Your Parking Account." You will be required to log in to your account - using your UM single sign-on credentials - and click on 'Login' in the top right-hand corner. Ensure your tag information is entered correctly to prevent citations being issued.

I may be telecommuting in the fall semester. Is there a discount on the parking rate?

  • The University offers Coral Gables Campus visitors the ability to purchase parking via PayByPhone app or pay machines. Access is restricted to certain lots during the weekday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The rates are $1.50 per hour or $8 per day. Employees can decide whether an annual permit or the pay-as-you-go option is best for their needs. For example, a regular annual permit costs $553 for 12 months, equaling $46.08 per month. A day pass using Pay-by-Phone costs $8. Therefore, coming to campus one day a week would entail 4 or 5 visits per month, equaling $40 (5 x $8). If there is a likelihood of coming to campus just another one or two times per month, the annual permit would be the better option. However, if a person was only coming to campus for an hour or two at a time, the financial advantage of Pay-by-Phone may be more significant. 

How can I check which permit I have and whether it is a continuous permit?

  • Log in to your parking account using your UM credentials to review your current permit at Click on the image of the U labeled "Access Your Parking Account", then click on 'Login' in the top right-hand corner. Click on the dropdown arrow at the top under 'Permits' and select 'View Your Permits'. Continuous permit numbers do not begin with a numeral. For example, GRY0001 is a continuous faculty/staff permit while 21GY0001 begins with the number 21, representing the current year. This type of permit is granted to students, visitors, and contractors, and must be renewed each year.

When should I update my permit color zone if I need to change it?

  • We recommend that faculty and staff request changes to their parking permits as soon as possible and before Monday, July 12. This will allow our office to grant permit change requests before student permit sales begin. Parking permit change requests may be submitted at any time throughout the year to accommodate various needs, including change in work location. We will do our best to accommodate these requests, but they are not guaranteed.

I usually take the Metrorail however I want to drive for the time being. Is that possible?

  • Yes. You will need to cancel your Metrorail pass if you wish to purchase a parking permit. If, at a later date, you wish to revert to using the Metrorail, you would need to reapply for the pass. Please keep in mind that applications must be submitted before the 10th of each month for the Metrorail pass to be issued for the following month. 

Should you have any other questions, please contact Parking and Transportation at