Attention all Research Faculty!
The Office of Research Administration (ORA) would like to highlight some key administrative updates shared with your administrators at the September ORA Administrative Updates Meeting. These should provide you, as faculty, with the necessary information to understand what changes are occurring related to the administration of your grants.
Welcome to Associate Vice President for Research Administration!

Laura Kozma, Associate Vice President for Research Administration, joined the University in September 2020.
She provides leadership for sponsored administration which includes proposal review, processing, contract negotiations, award funding, expenditure, and compliance monitoring, and serves as audit liaison for the Institution for sponsored awards. In this same capacity, she is also responsible for sponsored cash management, university-wide reporting, and regulatory education and training programs. In addition, Ms. Kozma leads the facilities and administrative (indirect cost) rate calculation and negotiations and is responsible for the financial review and set-up of recharge centers.
Previously Laura served as the Executive Director of Sponsored Program Services and Faculty Services at the University of Connecticut overseeing the office responsible for all sponsored awards under the Office of the Vice President for Research including the development of a new shared service department to improve and enhance administrative support for faculty related to sponsored awards. Prior to the University of Connecticut, Laura spent over ten years at Yale University in several roles including serving at the Assistant Director in the office of Grant and Contract Administration. Laura graduated cum laude from the University of Connecticut and obtained her Master of Arts degree from Southern Connecticut State University. Laura has been active in both NCURA and SRA, is a member of the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) and serves as UM’s lead representative on the Council on Governmental Relations (COGR).
September 30th Expiration of OMB Memorandum 20-26
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum 20-26 expired September 30, 2020. OMB previously provided administrative costs to federal recipients due to COVID-19. This authorization had most recently been expended through OMB Memorandum 20-26. The memorandum expired on September 30, 2020. What does this mean for personnel unable to work due to COVID 19? It means that personnel unable to work due to COVID-19 may not charge their salaries to a sponsored project. Salaries must be covered from departmental funds.
Find out about sponsored funding...

The Office of Research Administration has disseminated the FY 2020 Annual Report which provides information about sponsored programs funding at the University. Sponsored Programs Annual Report for FY 2020 are available here. Log in is required if document is accessed outside of the University's network.
When is my proposal due to ORA?
A reminder of the Application Deadline Policy was reviewed at the ORA Administrative Update Meeting.
SBIR/STTR submissions: Applications must be received at ORA in final form & ready for submission a minimum of (5) business days prior to the deadline
All other Applications:
- The complete & final Application (excluding: Research Plan, Project Narrative, Statement of Work), accompanied by the necessary school-level and University policy approvals, must be submitted to ORA at least (3) business days prior to the agency deadline AND
- Final Research Plan/Project Narrative/Statement of Work must be submitted no later than noon on the agency deadline date for 5:00 p.m. or later deadline times, and by 5:00 p.m. the previous day for agency deadline times earlier than 5:00 p.m.
- Applications submitted to ORA after the 3-day review deadline will not receive priority treatment, and may not be submitted or received by the sponsor prior to the sponsor deadline.
- There will be a “Grace period” for automatic exceptions from June 1st – August 31, 2020
- Effective September 1, 2020 automatic exception requests will no longer be provided.
When submitting an ancillary review in IBISResearch, is extemely important to attach proper documents and provide a clear explanation to the reviewer.
This allows the ancillary reviewer to conduct a thorough review and make a decision on the ancillary review without delaying the process.
New Form Available To facilitate the documentation that needs to be provided for the Indirect Cost Waiver and the Cost Sharing ancillary review, the Office of Research Administration (ORA) has developed a Request for Waiver or Reduction of Facilitites & Administrative (F&A) Costs & Cost Sharing Form. This form should be completed and attached to the Ancillary Review when the funding proposal includes cost sharing (exception is salary capcost sharing) and when requesting a waiver or reduction of the University of Miami’s standard Facilities and Administrative rates.
We strongly recommend that you use the Grants Ancillary Review Matrix for guidance on what documentation needs to be included when you initiate your ancillary review. Also, always provide supporting documentation and detailed comments for the reviewer. Failure to provide both, documentation and detailed comments, may result in the reviewer declining the ancillary review request or delaying the submission of the funding proposal.
Please view the Manage Ancillary Review video for more information on how to initiate the Manage AncillaryReview activity in IBISResearch.
Register Today!
The next Administrative Update Meeting is scheduled Monday, November 16th via Zoom from 9 a.m 11 a.m. Topics to be discussed include:
- Roles & Responsibilities
- Proposals with No Formal Deadlines
- Charging Personal Protective Equipment on Grants
- Current & Pending Support
Please register here to attend. When you register, a unique link is provided and attached to the registered email. Do not foward your unique link. It will result in the person(s) not being able to access the meeting. Individuals must register individually to obtain their unique link.