It has been one month since the launch of IBISResearch on April 6 and we would like to provide you some helpful tips and resources.

Tips on...
Selecting Responsible Department
After creating a Funding Proposal, be sure to select the Responsible Department for the proposal under Personnel. This is a very important selection as it will enable the proposal to be routed for review and approval and the award to be set up under the appropriate Cost Center. Be sure to search for ORG ID# to locate the correct Cost Center Number when making your selection. Helpful Hints:
- Search by ORG ID# to find correct Cost Center – use wildcard %CC000813 in search box.
- Do not select any Cost Center from UMMG. Use MSOM Cost Center instead.
- Do not select anything with a CCH notation.
Before Submitting Proposal for Department Review - Check for Reviewers
- From the Funding Proposal Workspace, click on the Reviewers tab.
- Review the names under Approval Step 1.
- Confirm the proposal is going to the appropriate Chair/Reviewers for your Cost Center.
- Contact the IBISResearch Help Desk at for assistance if Reviewers are not listed or should be updated.
What is an Ancillary Review and When Is it Initiated?
In some cases, it is necessary to obtain higher approvals within the University to review details of a submission. This business process is initiated by using the Manage Ancillary Review activity in IBISResearch. Ancillary reviews should be initiated as soon as possible and should be completed prior to submission of the funding proposal.
An Ancillary Review can be added by the Research Community, such as, Study Staff on the proposal, the Principal Investigator, Administrative Contact. ORA staff with the roles of Specialist and Award Approver may also initiate an Ancillary Review at various points throughout the workflow.
The Office of Research Administration developed a Grants Ancillary Review Matrix that includes guidance on what documentation needs to be included when you initiate your ancillary review. It is important to provide supporting documentation or you risk the reviewer declining the ancillary review request.
Watch a video on how to initiate the ancillary review process in IBISResearch.
Managing an Award
Request Award Modification
Over the course of a research project, changes to an award become necessary, such as budget adjustments, change in award personnel or even a request for an extension of the award. Previously, award modifications were processed using the Internal Prior Approval Request (IPAR) form. These changes are managed now using the Request Award Modification action in IBISResearch. ORA has developed an Award Modification Guide to assist you with initiating the process.

Virtual Drop-In Labs
The Office of Research Administration is offering Virtual Drop- In Labs three times a week throughout the month of May. Subject matter experts will be on hand to answer questions assist. It is easy to join. Select a date and register. You can come and ask questions or ask for assistance. There is no need to stay the entire time. Drop-in and join us!
Virtual Drop-In-Labs are scheduled Mondays and Fridays from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. for the research community and from 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. for ORA staff.
Virtual Drop-In-Labs scheduled Wednesdays are from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. for the research community and 3 p.m. - 4 p.m. for ORA staff.
If you would like to register for training, visit ULearn and search for keyword IBIS.
Links to Resources