Important Payroll Information
January 17, 2023
As we start a new calendar year, we wanted to check in and provide a few key payroll reminders.
1. Prepare for your 2022 Year-End Tax Forms
- W-2 Wage and Tax Statement
2022 W-2 Forms are available in Workday as of today, January 17, 2023. To access your W-2, click the Pay worklet under Your Top Apps, then click My Tax Documents. All employees have access to print their W-2s. Employees who did not opt out of paper statements will be sent their W-2 in the mail to the home address on file by Tuesday, January 31, 2023. If you have not received your Form W-2 by the end of January, please review the Payroll: W2 Tip Sheet to print a copy from Workday.
- 1095-C Employer-Provided Health Insurance Offer and Coverage
The University is required to send Form 1095-C as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to all employees who are eligible for University medical benefits. Equifax will mail Form 1095-C to the home address on file by Wednesday, March 1, 2023. A paperless option is not yet available. Please note, this form is not required to complete your taxes.
- 1042-S Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding
If you are a Foreign National employee or student with a nonresident tax status, who received a scholarship/fellowship or income payment from UM and used a tax treaty to exempt some or all of your payments from federal withholding taxes, you will be issued a Form 1042-S. Forms will be mailed prior to or by March 15, 2023, to the home address on file. Note, in certain cases, a person who receives a 1042-S may also receive a W-2 in the same tax year.
- 1098-T Tuition Statement
Form 1098-T is an annual statement that provides students with the payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses, amounts received in scholarships, grants, and adjustments made for a prior year. The form is used to assist students in determining eligibility for an Education Tax Credit. The tuition statements are mailed and postmarked to students by Tuesday, January 31, 2023. If you have any questions related to Form 1098-T, contact ‘Canes Central at 305-284-IBIS (4247) or click here.
2. Review and Update Your W-4 Form for 2023
As a new year begins, please take a moment to consider your income tax filing status. The IRS requires employers to remind employees to submit a new Form W-4 if their filing status, other income, deductions, or credits have changed or will change for the next year. You are not required to submit a new W-4 if there are no changes. You should edit your W-4 form if you have had any changes in filing status, other income, deductions, or credits have changed.
Tips and Resources
- Learn how to update and review your W-4 in Workday with this tip sheet.
- Perform a “paycheck checkup” and determine if withholding adjustments are needed using this Tax Withholding Estimator. For a more accurate estimate, have a copy of your most recent paystub and tax return ready while using this tool.
- Always consult your tax advisor for detailed questions regarding your personal taxes.
Note: If you do not submit a new form, withholding will continue based on your previously submitted form.
3. Know your 2023 Tax Numbers
Every year, the IRS releases new limits on the taxes you pay on your income. The percentage of taxes varies depending on your maximum earnings. If you think your payslip looks different this year, it could be due to changes in federal taxes.
2023 Social Security Changes
- The Social Security wage base limit has increased from $147,000 to $160,200.
- The maximum Social Security tax payable by each employee is $9,932.40 or 6.2% of the wage base.
- The Medicare tax rate remains at 1.45% on the first $200,000 wages plus 0.9% additional medicare tax on all wages in excess of $ 200,000.
- The flat tax rate for withholding income tax from supplemental wages remains at 22% and at 37% for supplemental wages over $1 million.
If you have any questions, please contact HR-Total Rewards, your pay and benefits team, by completing the online inquiry form or calling 305-284-3004.
Thank you.
Office of Human Resources