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Freshmen orientation week is back! Living sustainably and caring for our environment on campus has never been easier. You can start by breaking free from disposable plastic, visit If you feel you can do more and want to get involved, visit

Green Move In



Alkaline battery recycling

Student residents are invited to discard their alkaline single use batteries in the Green Box provided by the Green Committee at your residence frontdesk. Green boxes are not available everywhere. To learn more, contact Sabrina Ullman


Graduate Students

If you are a graduate student who cares about our environment, join the Green Grad Group. Located on the Coral Gables campus, the organization is welcoming any school, as long as you are ready to help. From volunteering, project management, advocacy, or educational outreach, everybody can participate! Contact Kenya Rothstein for more information

Miami Business School is leading the charge on sustainability: a new Sustainability Club is open to any MBS graduate student. For more information please contact Ivette Acevedo 

This Spring, undergraduate students are encouraged to take BSL 306- Introduction to Corporate Sustainability, visit


Faculty Resources

Green tour of our main campus

No matter what class you're teaching this semester, our Green U tour will inspire your students. They will have a chance to learn, get involved, and see our campus like never before. You can tailor the tour according to your class need: Start at Stanford Circle in front of our ECO tree, a symbol of students commitment to nature preservation and the environment [...] Stop by the LEED Platinum Frost Building and learn about its green features... Schedule your next tour now with

Sustainability Attribute

The Spring 2019 Cane Link catalog features 50 classes from all schools and colleges with the "Sustainability" attribute. It allows students to search for courses with a sustainability focus or content, and apply to the Sustainability Certificate administered by the Ecosystem Science and Policy (ECS) program. If you are a faculty member and are interested in integrating sustainability content in your curriculum, please contact


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UM Dining's Food Donation program celebrates a milestone: 100,000 Lbs of food donated

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Join a group of passionate student leaders, the Green Committee.