October 24, 6 pm - "The World That Food Made"by 
Award winning writer and Food Security expert, RAJ PATEL
Free Admission - Shoma Hall, School of Communication
(room 3053 - Communication International Building - map)
Reception with food and beverages from 6 pm to 6.30pm
Please RSVP before Oct 11. Learn more
Raj Patel is an award-winning writer, activist and academic. He is a Research Professor in the Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas, Austin and a Senior Research Associate at the Unit for the Humanities at the university currently known as Rhodes University (UHURU), South Africa.
October 25
11 am to 2 pm - Fair Food Fair at the UC Whitten Lower Lounge
Come enjoy a free smoothie, crepes, vegan recipes, learn about healthy eating, urban farming, community gardens, and get involved with Miami Dade Real Food network! Live crepe making, Cooking Demo from U Cook...
1 pm - Tropical Fruit Crush Picture at the U Statue
Learn more