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Coming Soon: New Contract Lifecycle Management System for the University of Miami

Dear Colleagues,

I am very pleased to announce that the University of Miami (UM) is launching Conga Contracts, our new contract lifecycle management (CLM) system, on June 1, 2021. The system will streamline and modernize our contracting processes, enable us to deliver efficiencies in our drafting, review, negotiation, and execution of contracts, and serve as a centralized, global contract repository with efficient reporting and tracking capabilities.

Effective June 1, 2021, Conga Contracts will be the new tool for managing contract requests for four of UM's central contracting units: Contract Administration (Business Services), Office of the General Counsel, Purchasing (Academy), and UHealth Supply Chain Services. Please note that contract requests requiring a Workday Purchase Order will continue to be initiated in Workday. An integration between Workday and Conga Contracts will route the request appropriately. All other contract requests will be initiated directly in Conga Contracts.

In August 2020, we launched a limited pilot of Conga Contracts to a small group and have made enhancements to the system based on their feedback. I want to thank those involved in the pilot for being early adopters of our new CLM system and providing valuable feedback. Additionally, I would like to thank the UM Conga Contracts project team for their diligent work in making this launch possible.

Brief online training modules, helpful FAQs, and additional resources are available on the Conga Contracts informational website as we transition to the new system.

We thank you in advance for your continued engagement and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me directly or contact the UM Conga Contracts project team at:

Best regards,

Brandon E. Gilliland
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer