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School of Medicine Closed Due to Tropical Storm Rita
The Miller School of Medicine is closed today (Tuesday). Building access will be restricted. If you believe you need access to a building, you should send an e-mail to Dr. Norman Altman at naltman@med.miami.edu that includes your name, the building and room number, the access justification, and the number on the back of your gray access badge. We expect to be able to resume normal operations on Wednesday, but we will send additional announcements today. The latest information will be available on the rumor control hotline at 305-243-6079. Leadership Academy Courses Begin The Leadership Academy is a competency-based approach to leadership development focusing on the skills, knowledge and behaviors supervisors, managers and other leaders need for success. Five leadership levels are addressed. The first two levels, the Emerging Leader and Frontline Supervisor, begin this month with training courses from the Professional Development and Training Office. [Any highly motivated employee identified by a manager as a candidate for promotion should be recommended for the Emerging Leader stage of Academy]. Courses are now open for registration: Performance Improvement Management for Supervisors (PIM) on In order to participate in the Leadership Academy, employees must get approval from their supervisors and take the entry assessment. To learn more about the Academy and for more information on the courses, visit www.miami.edu/development-training/la, or contact PDTO at 305-243-3090 or 305-284-5110. Medical Campus Security Update Medical School Security has completed the crime statistics for August 2005. In addition to distributing 1,500 copies by interoffice mail, July and previous months’ statistics are posted on their web site at http://ummcsd.med.miami.edu/SECURITY/monthly_stats.htm <http://ummcsd.med.miami.edu/SECURITY/MonthlyCrimeRpt_Files/stat200507.pdf> . Reviewing these statistics will increase your awareness and help you avoid becoming a victim of crime. For more information, please call Tony Artrip at 305-243-6280, or e-mail anthonyartrip@miami.edu. Security welcomes your input and encourages you to review their web site frequently at http://security.med.miami.edu to stay up-to-date and to participate in crime prevention. Questions about the New Communite Voicemail System? After gathering information from our customer base, Telecommunications has come up with a list of frequently asked questions and answers about the new Communite voicemail system, which they have posted on the Telecommunications home page. Please go to: http://www.miami.edu/UMH/CDA/UMH_Main/1,1770,12330-1;37749-2;40858-3,00.html. If you need further assistance, please contact the telecommunications department at 305-284-6565 option #1. Child Car Seat Installation Check To ensure that your child car seat is installed correctly, a certified child passenger safety technician will be available on Wednesdays in front of the Mailman Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The service is available to everyone who transports children under the age of 12 in their vehicle. For more information, e-mail gstepanian@um-jmh.org, or call 305-243-3928 to set up an appointment. Priority will be given to those with appointments. The Injury Free Coalition for Kids is a division of Holtz Children's Hospital/ Miller School of Medicine. Fidelity Investments and TIAA-CREF Visit the Medical Campus A representative from Fidelity Investments will be on the medical campus to conduct individual counseling sessions from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. October 26 and 28 and November 30. To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-642-7131. A representative from TIAA-CREF will be at the medical campus October 12 and 13, November 9 and 10, and December 14 and 15 to conduct individual counseling sessions. To schedule an appointment, click here http://www.tiaa-cref/moc, or call 1-800-842-2003 ext. 3522. All counseling sessions from these organizations will take place in the Human Resources Benefits Office, 901 N.W. 17th St., suite D. Questions about Compliance? UM Helplines Can Assist You
Any University of Miami employee reporting or deciding whether to report activity that may be in violation of a law, rule, or regulation is protected against retaliation by the Whistleblower Protection Statement. For more information, visit the Office of Compliance site. e-Update Submission Guidelines
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Geriatrics Institute Grand Rounds 2005-2006
9/22/2005, 8 to 9 a.m., VA Medical Center, room B939 Richard Besdine, M.D., interim dean of medicine and biological sciences at Brown Medical School, will be the guest speaker at Geriatrics Institute Grand Rounds on Thursday, from 8 to 9 a.m., at the VA Medical Center, room B939. Dr. Besdine will discuss “Healthcare Quality for Older Adults: The Future of Geriatrics.” For more information, contact Dennis Horton at dhorton@med.miami.edu, or call 305-575-3388. Education for Physicians on End-of-Life Care Lecture Series 2005 9/23/2005, noon to 1 p.m., UM/Sylvester, room 1301 Elio Donna, M.D., associate professor of clinical medicine, will discuss “Common Physical Symptoms I: Breathlessness,” as part of the Education for Physicians on End-of-Life Care Lecture Series, on Friday from noon to 1 p.m. in UM/Sylvester conference room 1301. Lunch will be served; RSVP to https://netlearning.miami.edu. For more information, contact Diane Dames at 305-243-2287. Dialogues in Research Ethics Series 9/23/2005, noon to 1 p.m., Rosenstiel Medical Sciences Building, room 3109 Paul G. Braunschweiger, Ph.D., will discuss "Are We There Yet? Educational Tools for Scientific Integrity," as part of the Dialogues in Research Ethics series on Friday, from noon to 1 p.m. in Rosenstiel Medical Sciences Building, room 3109 (Microbiology Conference Room). Lunch will be served. In less than five years, the Collaborative Institutional Training Program (CITI) has changed the world of education in human subjects protection. CITI is now expanding its portfolio to include the responsible conduct of research. But precisely what problems need to be addressed? What should an on-line curriculum provide? What future federal regulations should be anticipated? Dr. Braunschweiger is a professor of radiation oncology, director of the Office of Research Education, and a co-founder of the Collaborative Institutional Training Program. No RSVP required. For more information, please call 305-243-5723 or send e-mail to ethics@miami.edu. Rehabilitation Medicine Grand Rounds 9/23/2005, 8 to 9 a.m., Jackson Rehabilitation Center, third-floor auditorium The Department of Rehabilitation Medicine will present “Plantar Fasciitis and Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome,” on Friday from 8 to 9 a.m., in the third floor auditorium of the Jackson Rehabilitation Center. The speaker will be Andres Restrepo, M.D. For further details, please contact Coretha Davis at 305-585-1431. Conversations About Cancer- "Computer Assisted (Robotic) Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer: Beyond the Hype" 09/26/2005, noon to 1 p.m., UM/Sylvester, room 1301 Raymond Leveillee, M.D., will discuss “Computer assisted (Robotic) Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Treatment of Prostate Cancer: Beyond the Hype,” on Monday, September 26. This presentation will take place from noon to 1 p.m. in UM/Sylvester, room 1301. It is free and open to the public. A light lunch will be served. Please call 305-243-1000 or 800-545-2292 to reserve your space. Office of Technology Transfer Seminar 9/27/2005, 11 a.m., Lois Pope LIFE Center, room 705 UM’s Office of Technology Transfer will host Bruce Becker, M.D., J.D., of Needle & Rosenberg, P.C. in Atlanta, for a special seminar on “University Inventions, Patents and Publications.” Dr. Becker’s presentation will be at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, September 27, in room 705 of the Lois Pope LIFE Center. Refreshments will be served. RSVP by September 22 to 305-243-5689, or e-mail fvillago@med.miami.edu. Communication Skills for Emerging Leaders Workshop 9/27/2005, 9 to 11 a.m., Dominion Parking Garage, room 155 This course, developed by the EAP, is part of the Leadership Academy offered through the Professional Development and Training Office and includes a computer-based learning prerequisite. If you do not have access to the Internet, please contact the EAP to obtain the pre-work materials. All University faculty, staff and administrators are welcome to attend. Participants will learn to avoid acting as if they take accusations personally, to listen reflectively, to focus on the speaker’s problem, and how to involve the other person in finding a solution. The workshop will be held on the medical campus Tuesday, September 27, from 9 to 11 a.m. in room 155 of the Dominion Parking Garage. For more information about content, contact Bonita Cales at the EAP at 305-284-6604. To register, visit http://netlearning.miami.edu. For questions about registration, call the Professional Development and Training Office at 305-243-3090. Human Subjects Research Seminar 9/27/2005, noon to 1 p.m., Mailman Center, room 3023 The Human Subjects Research Seminar for September will feature Jay Sosenko, M.D., speaking on “Research on Children.” The seminar will be held from noon to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, September 27, at the Mailman Center, room 3023. Advance registration is required as room capacity is limited. To Register, logon to NetLearning using your UM ID # (C-Number) at https://netlearning.miami.edu. For more information about this seminar, e-mail Maira Abraham at Mabraham@med.miami.edu. The Momentum of Cellular Therapy -The Miami Project To Cure Paralysis Annual Directors’ Research Briefing 9/28/2005, 10 a.m. to noon, The Waldorf-Astoria (Astor Room), 301 Park Avenue, New York City The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis invites you to its annual Directors’ Research Briefing to be held Wednesday, September 28, from 10 a.m. to noon at The Waldorf-Astoria (Astor Room), 301 Park Avenue, New York City. Speakers will include W. Dalton Dietrich, Ph.D., Barth A. Green, M.D., John R. Bethea, Ph.D. and Mark S. Nash, Ph.D. Admission is complimentary and wheelchair accessible. Valet and self parking is available. Call 305-243-7108 to RSVP your attendance. Medical Education Grand Rounds 9/30/2005, noon, Rosenstiel Medical Science Building, fifth-floor auditorium Richard Tiberius, Ph.D., director of the Educational Development Office for the Miller School of Medicine, will be the guest speaker at Medical Education Grand Rounds on Friday, September 30, at noon in the fifth floor of the Rosenstiel Medical Science Building. Lunch will be provided. The title of his presentation is “Scooped! An Educational Researcher’s Fantasy.” For more information, contact the Office of Educational Development at 305-243-7482. Office of Research Compliance Assessment Workshop: SOPs in Research 10/05/2005 and 10/07/2005, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Winn Dixie Hope Lodge Join in an open discussion of standard operating procedures (SOPs) in clinical research on Wednesday, October 5, or Friday, October 7, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Winn Dixie Hope Lodge. Discussion topics will include the importance of SOPs and how to optimally manage them, including their creation and revision. Lunch will be provided. Conversations About Cancer- "Know Your Cancer Risk: The Benefits of Genetic Testing" 10/17/2005, noon to 1 p.m., UM/Sylvester, room 1301 Talia Donenberg, M.S., will discuss “Know Your Cancer Risk: The Benefits of Genetic Testing,” on Monday, October 17.This presentation will take place from noon to 1 p.m. in UM/Sylvester conference room 1301. It is free and open to the public. A light lunch will be served. Please call 305-243-1000 or 800-545-2292 to reserve your space. 2006 Benefits Fair on Campus 10/27/2005, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 10/28/2005, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Diagnostic Treatment Center, Jackson Food Pavilion The 2006 Benefits Fair will be on the medical campus from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, October 27, and 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, October 28, at the Jackson Food Pavilion in the Diagnostic Treatment Center. Meet representatives from the benefits department and receive information about medical, dental and other voluntary programs. Pediatric Brain Injury Conference 11/4/2005 to 11/5/2005, Alexander Hotel, Miami Beach, FL. The Miller School of Medicine Departments of Pediatrics, Surgery and Neurosurgery are proud to announce the third annual Pediatric Brain Injury Conference, November 4 and 5 at the Alexander Hotel in Miami Beach. This is a unique meeting focusing on research and clinical issues along the continuum of care of children following brain and spinal cord injury. The two full days of plenary sessions include a break-out session on the first day exploring more detailed aspects of pediatric neurocritical care versus neurorehabilitation. For full details and to register online, please go to http://pedibrain.org/conference/conference.asp. Third Annual Jay Bon Salle Memorial Golf & Tennis Outing 11/10/2005, Crandon Park Golf Course, Key Biscayne, FL. The Third Annual Jay Bon Salle Memorial Golf and Tennis Outing will be held on November 10 this year. All proceeds from this year’s outing will benefit the University of Miami Cardiovascular Center. For more information, please contact Milen Gonzalez at 305-243-2721 or via e-mail at mileng@miami.edu, or visit the Jay Bon Salle Foundation Web site at http://www.thejbsfoundation.org. | |
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The Division of Cosmetic Dermatology, directed by Leslie Baumann, M.D., is looking for teenagers between the ages of 12 and 17 to participate in a research study to determine whether injections with BOTOX® (botulinum toxin type A) relieve excessive underarm sweating. If interested, please contact a member of the research staff at 305-532-5552. Bruce Rubin, M.D., is currently performing a study on trigeminal neuralgia (TN) treatment with subcutaneous injections of BOTOX® to evaluate the effectiveness of treating facial pain associated with TN. Patients must have a diagnosis of TN for more than three months and be at least 18 years of age. Please contact Amy L. Kaye, ARNP, for more information at 305-243-6223. Dr. Rubin is also seeking patients for a research study on the treatment of tightness/spasticity in the wrist, fingers, and elbow caused by a stroke while evaluating the effect of BOTOX® on pulmonary functioning. Patients must be 18 years of age, have had a stroke six months ago or longer, have a pulmonary/breathing problem and cannot have used BOTOX® or any other botulinum toxin previously for any condition. Please contact Amy L. Kaye, ARNP, at 305-243-6223 for additional information. If you are interested in in-vitro fertilization, you may be eligible to participate in a clinical research study being conducted at the University of Miami Infertility Center. The study is evaluating the use of progesterone suppositories in women seeking infertility treatment using IVF. Qualified participants will receive IVF treatment medications, study exams, and compensation for their time. If you would like more information, please contact Marisol Sloane, RN, at 305-243-8642, or send an e-mail to msloane@med.miami.edu. The Center for Treatment Research on Adolescent Drug Abuse (CTRADA) is recruiting adolescents ages 12-17 for participation in a substance abuse treatment-research study. To be eligible, the adolescent’s parents must be willing to participate in treatment and assessments, adolescents must have moderate to severe substance use, and no more than three lifetime arrests. For more information, please call 305-243-5020 or write to jcooley@med.miami.edu. More information is also available on our website at www.miami.edu/CTRADA. The University of Miami School of Medicine-Miami Heart Research Institute Cardiovascular DNA Diagnostic Laboratory is recruiting both pediatric and adult individuals and/or families with any of the following: QT interval greater than 0.5 at any time; lethal ventricular arrhythmias, especially in the setting of a first myocardial infarction; sudden cardiac death; drug-induced ventricular arrhythmias or long QT syndrome, or congenital long QT syndrome. These samples will be used for research studies of genes that may be associated with these conditions. To make a referral of a patient or family, or to obtain more information about our work, contact Nanette H. Bishopric, M.D., at n.bishopric@miami.edu, Todd Miller, Ph.D., at t.miller@miami.edu, Lisa Baumbach, Ph.D., at lbaumbac@med.miami.edu, or Shauntelle Elliott, RN, at selliott2@um-jmh.org. The NIH-sponsored SARA Study (Study of Acid Reflux and Asthma) is recruiting asthmatic subjects between 18-60 years of age to determine if adding a drug that treats gastro-esophageal reflux (GERD) to usual asthma treatment reduces the number of asthma flare-ups. The study will be conducted on the medical school campus. Participants will be given a physical exam, a test to diagnose GERD and a pulmonary function test at study entry. They will then be asked to come to the laboratory for eight study visits over a six-month period to complete questionnaires about asthma symptoms and to perform a pulmonary function test. For more information about the study and compensation for participation, please call Eliana Mendes, M.D., at 305-243-2568. Have you or one of your relatives been diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder? Are you in regular contact with this person? If so, you and your family member(s) may be eligible to participate in a free schizophrenia intervention study. In this study, you and your relatives will participate in four assessment sessions of approximately one and one-half to two hours each as well as a weekly family treatment of several 75-minute sessions. To enroll or learn more about the study, please contact Amy G. Weisman, Ph.D., at 305-284-5455. More than 5.5 million women in North America are affected by endometriosis and its symptoms, including pelvic pain. If you have endometriosis, you may be eligible to participate in a clinical research study evaluating a new investigational medication for pelvic pain due to endometriosis. To qualify, you must be a woman between 18 and 45 with regular menstrual periods, have endometriosis diagnosed by a surgical procedure (laparoscopy or laparotomy) within the past three years, have moderate to severe pelvic pain due to endometriosis for at least three months, not be using oral contraceptives for the past 30 days, be sexually active, and have not had a surgical treatment for endometriosis in the past six months. For more information, please call 305-243-1613. The Department of Psychology, Behavioral Medicine Research Center, is recruiting participants for several studies investigating the impact of psychological factors such as stress on quality of life and disease progression in several older adult (> 50 yrs. old) populations. The studies are actively recruiting men and women recently diagnosed with head and neck cancer, HIV-positive men, and men treated for advanced prostate cancer. For more information about these studies, please call Frank Penedo, Ph.D., at 305-575-7122. The Center for Family Studies, Healthy Families Program, is recruiting HIV-positive women over the age of 18 with a recent history of substance abuse treatment. Women who participate in the study should also be willing to have at least one family member participate in their treatment. The Healthy Families Program is a family therapy-based intervention for HIV-positive women addressing issues such as HIV risk behavior, drug abuse relapse and HIV medication adherence. Participants will be assigned to either the family therapy-based intervention or a women's HIV education group, which will take place over four months. Participants will be interviewed at baseline and then at two- month intervals over the course of the 12-month study. Interested women should contact the Healthy Families Program office at 305-243-8149, or via e-mail at sross@med.miami.edu. The SPARE Study (Soy Phytoestrogens As Replacement Estrogen) is currently recruiting women between 45-60 years of age to study the role of soy phytoestrogens given in tablet form to prevent bone loss. Participants will be given a physical exam at study entry, an annual mammogram and bone density test, and will be asked to come for 10 study visits over a period of two years for blood tests and to complete questionnaires about diet, exercise, and well-being. Interested women should contact the SPARE Study Office at 305-243-4330 or via e-mail at aherrin@med.miami.edu. The UM Skin Research Group, directed by Brian Berman, M.D., Ph.D., professor of dermatology and internal medicine, is conducting several research studies on keloids, acne, and atopic dermatitis (eczema). If you are interested in participating please contact us at 305-243-5519, or visit our website at http://www.skininvestigation.com. Researchers at the MRI Center need healthy subjects for a magnetic resonance imaging study. For more information please visit http://midas.med.miami.edu/Research/MRStudies.htm. |
e-Update is a service of the Office of Communications at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine.