arrow   Students Raise Money for AIDS Awareness
Medical students Megha Garg, Natasha Chida, and Natasha Parekh speak to classmate William Dresen on World AIDS Day.

Medical students Megha Garg, Natasha Chida, and Natasha Parekh speak to classmate William Dresen on World AIDS Day. 

Around Campus
arrow new  Art Basel Event Helps Fight Cancer
arrow new  United Way Campaign Ends Friday
arrow new  Annual Toy Drive For Children
arrow new  Open Enrollment Benefits Verification Forms
arrow Volunteers Wanted for Miami Marathon
arrow Register Now for Spanish Classes
arrow Questions about Compliance? UM Helplines Can Assist You
arrow e-Update Submission Guidelines

Human Subjects Research Opportunities
For information on current Human Subjects Research Opportunities, see the listings below.


Faculty and staff submissions should be e-mailed to the Office of Communications, at

  Tuesday, December 5, 2006, noon
new  Cell Biology and Anatomy Seminars Series Continues Today
  Tuesday, December 5, 2006, 6:30 p.m.
new  Saks Fifth Avenue Event to Help Miami Project to Cure Paralysis
  Tuesday, December 12, 2006, noon
new  Dealing with Stress During the Holidays
  Wednesday, December 6, 2006, noon
Gail F. Beach Memorial Visiting Lectureship Series
  Friday, December 8, 2006, 1 p.m.
new  Miami Project Special Seminar Series
  Friday, December 8, 2006, 1 p.m.
new  Psychiatry Grand Rounds
  Tuesday, December 12, 2006, noon
new  Jay Weiss Grand Rounds Series Continues
  Wednesday, December 13, 2006, noon
Domestic Violence Course for Nurses and Mental Health Professionals

Peer Review
 Raymond J. Leveillee, M.D.,  chief of endourology and minimally invasive surgery in urology, has been sworn in as the president of the Florida...

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Students Raise Money for AIDS Awareness

As part of a nationwide effort by the American Medical Student Association, Miller School of Medicine students marked World AIDS Day by seeking donations, signatures, and increased awareness of the disease.

Megha Garg and Natasha Parekh, both first-year medical students, sat at a table alongside Natasha Chida, a second-year student, just outside the Rosenstiel Medical Science Building handing out flyers and red ribbons.

All of the students wore red ribbons and red shirts. Behind them was a display containing 19 white coats, serving as a vivid reminder of how important medical care has been in the fight against AIDS.

By the end of day, the students had handed out more than 300 red ribbons and collected hundreds of dollars for Care Resource Center, a local AIDS organization. They also persuaded nearly 250 people to sign petitions to lift restrictions on U.S.-provided funding to fight AIDS in Africa, which the students would fax to the White House.

“Last year there were mostly lectures and flyer handouts—this year we wanted to do something that people would notice,” says Chida.

The University’s AIDS awareness campaign continues this week as Arthur Fournier, M.D., professor of family medicine, will address the history of the AIDS epidemic in Miami and Haiti as well as current treatment. This will take place at noon Thursday in the fifth-floor auditorium of the Rosenstiel Building. For more information on the lecture, please contact Natasha Chida at

Around CampusBack to top
new  Art Basel Event Helps Fight Cancer

Proceeds from an Art Basel auction this Friday will benefit hormone-related cancer research at the University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Nasir and Nargis Kassamali, co-founders of the contemporary home design company Luminaire, sent 3-dimensional puppy "canvases" to more than two dozen designers and artists, asking them to present their own personal design. Starting tomorrow, the puppies will be on display at Luminaire's newest design studio, 3901 NE 2nd Avenue, which will be open to the public. All proceeds from the auction will help fight cancer. The auction will take place Friday evening at the studio. Those interested should post bids at

new  United Way Campaign Ends Friday

The United Way campaign has been extended until this Friday to help meet the goal of raising $400,000 raised on the medical campus. About 85 percent of the money has been raised thus far.

If you haven't given, please consider a donation to this worthy cause this week. Click on and make your pledge. For more information, please call the community relations office at 305-243-3453.

new  Annual Toy Drive For Children

You can help make Christmas special for a child who might not otherwise received a gift. Unwrapped toys will be collected until Friday, December 15, in the Gables One third-floor conference room. For more information, please contact or call 305-284-6486.

new  Open Enrollment Benefits Verification Forms

All employees should have received through interoffice mail their 2007 open enrollment benefit verification forms. Please be sure to carefully review your 2007 benefit elections. If you need to correct any information, please fax the 2007 open enrollment verification with the corrections to 305-284-4568.  All corrections must be received at Benefits Administration no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, December 15. For more information write

Volunteers Wanted for Miami Marathon

Volunteers are being sought to help with the 5th Miami Marathon, which is set for Sunday, January 28. The University of Miami Medical Group will once again serve as an official "Heath Sponsor" for the event, which is expected to attract 12,000 runners from around the world.

Doctors, nurses, and podiatrists are needed to help provide medical attention during the marathon if needed. For more information, contact Anick Leys at 305-243-2368.

Register Now for Spanish Classes

Do you want to learn Spanish or polish up on your Spanish language skills? Register now for the University’s intensive seven day language institute, which begins on Saturday. The sessions will run seven consecutive days from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m, Saturday through Friday January 14, focusing on communication and comprehension. To register or get more information, visit or call 305-284-2752.

Questions about Compliance? UM Helplines Can Assist You
  • University Compliance (anonymous hotline): 866-YOURCALL
  • Billing (anonymous hotline): 305-243-HELP or 877-415-HELP
  • Research Integrity and Compliance: 305-243-6415
  • Financial Improprieties: 305-284-2605
  • Privacy Office/HIPAA: 305-243-5000 or 1-866-366-HUSH
  • University Ombudsperson: 305-284-4922

Any University of Miami employee reporting or deciding whether to report activity that may be in violation of a law, rule, or regulation is protected against retaliation by the Whistleblower Protection Statement. For more information, visit the Office of Compliance site.

e-Update Submission Guidelines

  • Please note that submissions are due no later than 5 p.m. Thursday for publication on Tuesday.
  • We are unable to include attachments.
  • Please use URL addresses in your announcements rather than hyperlinks.
  • Event announcements should include the time, date, location, speaker, topic and cost if applicable. All events should have a contact phone number or e-mail address for further information. We will run event announcements for three weeks only.
  • Information must be written in paragraph form. PDFs, Publisher files and flyers are not accepted.
  • Human Subject recruitment announcements must be IRB approved.
  • Events to be listed should be either held on the medical campus, sponsored or hosted by the Miller School of Medicine, or affect all or most of the employees on the medical campus.
  • Please be sure to e-mail items to e-Update at Submissions to other e-mail addresses run the risk of being missed.

EventsBack to top
new  Cell Biology and Anatomy Seminars Series Continues Today
December 5, 2006, noon, Rosenstiel Medical Science Building, fourth-floor auditorium

Mary Lou King, Ph.D., professor in the department of cell biology and anatomy at the Miller School of Medicine, will be presenting “A Master of Repression: Xcat2/nanos1 and Germline Specification.” The seminar, part of the Cell Biology and Anatomy Seminars Series, will take place at noon today in the RMSB fourth-floor auditorium. For additional information, call 305-243-6691.

new  Saks Fifth Avenue Event to Help Miami Project to Cure Paralysis
December 5, 2006, 6:30 p.m., The Fur Salon at Bal Harbour shops, 9700 Collins Avenue

The Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis, the national fundraising arm of The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, will hold a special event today at Saks Fifth Avenue. Come enjoy cocktails, hors d'ouevres and a fashion presentation starting at 6:30 p.m. Ten percent of all fur sells during the evening will benefit the Buoniconti Fund to Cure Paralysis. To RSVP, call 305-993-6217.

Gail F. Beach Memorial Visiting Lectureship Series
December 6, 2006, noon, Lois Pope LIFE Center, seventh-floor auditorium

Yimin Zou, Ph.D., associate professor of biology for the neurobiology section at the University of California, San Diego, will present “Wnt Signaling in Axon Guidance” at noon on Wednesday in the Lois Pope LIFE Center seventh-floor auditorium, as part of the Gail F. Beach Memorial Visiting Lectureship Series. For more information, call 305-243-7108 or visit online at:

new  Miami Project Special Seminar Series
December 8, 2006, 1 p.m., Lois Pope LIFE Center, seventh-floor auditorium

James Hickman, Ph.D., director of the nanoscience technology initiative center at the University of Central Florida, will present "Integration of Cells and Proteins with Silicon Devices via Surface Microengineering for Applications for ALS, SCI, Alzheimer’s and other Neurodegenerative Diseases," on Friday at 1 p.m.

The presentation, part of the Miami Project Special Seminar Series 2006-2007, will take place in the Lois Pope LIFE Center seventh-floor auditorium. For more information, visit online at or call 305-243-7108.

new  Psychiatry Grand Rounds
December 8, 2006, 1 p.m., Mailman Center for Child Development, eighth-floor auditorium

F. Gerard Moeller, M.D., professor of psychiatry at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, will address "Impulsivity and Brain Function in Stimulant Abuse" on Friday. The talk will take place at the Mailman Center for Child Development, eighth-floor auditorium.

This has been designated for 1.5 CME/CEUs for physicians, psychologists, and licensed clinical social workers. For more information, call Carmen Bou-Crick at 305-355-9073 or

new  Jay Weiss Grand Rounds Series Continues
December 12, 2006, noon, Rosenstiel Medical Science Building, third-floor auditorium

Alfred Tauber, M.D., professor of medicine at the Boston University School of Medicine, will speak on "The Ethics of Rationing" on December 12 as part of the Jay Weiss Grand Rounds series. The talk will take place in the third-floor auditorium of RMSB.

The series, sponsored by the Jay Weiss Center for Social Medicine and Health Equity, will focus on important questions, issues and case studies related to the emerging movement of social medicine and global health equity.  Please contact Maria Pieiga, 305-243-8893, or if you have any questions.

new  Dealing with Stress During the Holidays
December 12, 2006, noon, UM/Sylvester at Deerfield Beach

Marianela Castellanos, M.S.W., social worker with the Courtelis Center for Psychosocial Oncology, will address “Dealing with the Stress of Illness During the Holidays” today at UM/Sylvester at Deerfield Beach.

The free presentation, part of the Conversations About Cancer series, will take place at 1192 East Newport Center Drive, Suite 100, Deerfield Beach. A light lunch will be provided.

Seating is limited, so please call 1-800-545-2292 to register.

Domestic Violence Course for Nurses and Mental Health Professionals
December 13, 2006, noon, Dominion Parking Garage, suite 155

Nurses and mental health professionals are invited to a free lunch and seminar on domestic violence sponsored by the Employee Assistance Program and the Professional Development and Training Office. Participants will receive one hour of continuing education credit, and meet the domestic violence course requirements for their professions.

The seminar will take place Wednesday, December 13 at noon in suite 155 of the Dominion Parking Garage. Supervisors are asked to post this notice for employees who do not have electronic access. To register, go to For more information call 305-243-3090.

Peer ReviewBack to top


Raymond J. Leveillee, M.D.,  chief of endourology and minimally invasive surgery in urology, has been sworn in as the president of the Florida Urological Society. He will serve in that capacity until September 2007 when the society holds its annual conference.

Human Subjects ResearchBack to top

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is conducting a federally funded HIV behavioral intervention research study for women and their partners, the New Opportunities for Women 2 (NOW 2) Project. The project will address topics related to safer sex, sexual risk reduction, STDs and communication skills. The NOW 2 Project is currently recruiting English-speaking couples, in which one or both individuals must be HIV positive. Participants must be 18 years or older, willing to be tested for STDs, and answer personal questions in a confidential interview. Women and men who participate may each receive compensation of up to $360 for an entire year of participation (this includes attendance at all interviews, examinations and sessions). If interested, please contact Arnetta Phillips or Jackie Gomez, at 305-243-2103, or ( /

The Center for Liver Diseases is recruiting participants for the following studies:

• Patients with chronic liver disease
This studies the correlation between liver histology and elasticity measured in patients with chronic liver disease using a device known as Fibroscan. This is a painless, non-invasive test. Qualifying patient must have received a laparoscopic liver biopsy within the past two months or scheduled a laparoscopic liver biopsy within the next two months by their PCP at Cedars Medical Center-Miami. This is a one time visit. Liver cancer patients are excluded. Contact: Zvi Leibovici at 305-243-2330 or

• Determining the relation of an elevated HBV DNA in hepatitis B patients
This is a chart review on hepatitis B subjects to determine the relation of an elevated HBV DNA and normal liver function tests to the histological findings of the liver biopsy. The study requires the subject has a previous liver biopsy between 2003-2006. They must also see the research team to obtain a hepatitis B serology panel, liver function tests (ALT and AST), and HBV viral load. Subjects must be more than 18 years old, have a documented laboratory diagnosis of HBV infection of at least six months, treatment naïve patient, and a documented HBV DNA. For further information, contact Zvi Leibovici at 305-243-2330, or e-mail at

• Patients with cirrhosis of the liver as a result of hepatitis B 
This is a phase III b protocol comparing entecavir vs. adefovir in chronic hepatitis B subjects with evidence of hepatic decompensation. Subjects must have cirrhosis because of hepatitis B infection, never been treated for hepatitis B or treated with lamivudine (epivir) only, and do not have HIV, hepatitis C or D. For further information please call: 305)-243-6939, or e-mail the study  coordinator, Connie Higgins at:

• Patients with hepatic encephalopathy
This study will compare Lactulose and Rifaximin to determine the benefit of either drug, or a combination of both. We will be enrolling patients with cirrhosis of the liver and a history of a previous hospitalization for hepatic encephalopathy. Patients will be followed for six months and a one-month post-treatment. Contact Macy Ho, CRC 305-243-4648 or e-mail

Vaccine test in patients with chronic hepatitis C
The Center for Liver Diseases is conducting a phase I, double-blind, placebo controlled, dose escalation, multi-center trial of a therapeutic vaccine in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. Subject must be > 18, have no hypersensitivity to baker's yeast, non-cirrhotic, compensated liver disease, and must have received a liver biopsy within the past two years or be willing to have one performed. Subjects can be naïve to previous treatment, or a relapser or partial responder to an interferon-based treatment. Must meet other criteria as well. Contact Macy Ho at 305-243-4648 or

• Study of three treatments
The Center for Liver Diseases is conducting a phase 2, double-blind, multi-center, randomized research study in HBV decompensated subjects. Adult subjects with CPT score of 7-12 and no history of HCC will be assigned to one of the three treatment arms: tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), emtricitabine plus tenofovir disprocil fumarate (FTC/TDF) or entecavir (ETV). Patients can be on lamivudine or adefovir dipivoxil. Must meet other criteria. Contact clinical research coordinator Karina Herrera at 305-243-2148 or at

• Study of liver diseases
The Center for Liver Diseases is conducting a Phase II study for men and women, investigational oral medication for liver scarring caused by chronic hepatitis C. Subjects must be between 40 and 70 years old, have been diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C, have failed prior hepatitis C therapy with interferon and ribavirin treatments, which must have been discontinued at least 12 months ago. Study staff will review additional criteria if you are interested in learning more. The study should last approximately 56 weeks with 14 clinic visits. Contact Macy Ho, CRC 305-243-4648 or

Do you or does someone you know experience pain related to spinal cord injury? Eva Widerström-Noga, Ph.D., and her colleagues are conducting research into the nature and treatment of pain associated with spinal cord injury. Studies are enrolling now.  Eligible participants will be 18 to 70 years of age and at least two years post-injury.  If you are interested in enrolling, please call The Miami Project to Cure Paralysis at 305-243-8132 for information.

Heather Woolery-Lloyd, M.D., of the Division of Cosmetic Dermatology, is looking for people between the ages of 18 and 39 who have mild to severe acne to participate in a research study to determine whether use of an investigational topical treatment will improve acne.  If you are interested, please contact a member of the research staff at 305-531-5788.

The Department of Psychology is recruiting participants for the following studies:

• A schizophrenia family study 
Have you or one of your relatives been diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder? Are you in regular contact with this person? If so, you and your family may be eligible to participate in a free family-focused treatment research study. During the treatment, clinicians will provide factual information about schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. In addition, techniques to assist the family in coping with mental illness will be presented. Treatment is available in English and Spanish. If interested, please contact the Schizophrenia Family Project at 305-284-5455.

• A family factors and autism study
The aim of this project is to better understand families’ emotional reactions to autism spectrum disorders. We seek the participation of adults with high-functioning autism or Asperger’s and one of his or her parents. Participation will involve one hour-long telephone call. If you would like to help with this study or if you have any questions, please contact Stephanie Wasserman at 305-284-2307.

Researchers at the MRI Center need healthy subjects for a magnetic resonance imaging study. For more information, please visit

Patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) are being recruited for a study of effects of sildenafil on exercise and breathlessness. Participants must have a firm clinical diagnosis of IPF, be 40 to 85 years of age, and not be on medication for IPF. Interested patients or physicians wishing to refer patients should call 305-575-3548, fax 305-575-3126, or e-mail

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is testing experimental medications and therapies for the treatment of cervical dysplasia, a pre-cancerous condition that can lead to cancer if left untreated. Current treatments are surgical or invasive. This study is testing an investigational gene therapy to see if it safely and effectively treats HPV medicated cervical lesions as a result of dysplasia. If you are between 18 and 25 and have had an abnormal PAP test, you may be able to take part in this research study. Qualified participants will receive all study-related care and study therapy. To find out more, call Iliana Rivas at (305) 243-5832 or

The Department of Psychology and the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control is conducting a quality of life research intervention with advanced prostate cancer patients. Participants should have Stage III or IV prostate cancer and have recently or currently been treated with hormone therapy. Eligible participants will take part in a ten-week cognitive behavioral stress and affect management program or a health promotions program. Three psychosocial/medical assessments are also required. If you are interested in this study or would like more information, please contact Frank Penedo, Ph.D., at 305-243-3329, or

Daniel Santisteban, Ph.D., of the Center for Family Studies in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, is currently conducting a research program that would provide adolescents and/or their family treatment for free. Participants must be 14 to 17 years old, have a parent or legal guardian willing to participate, meet DSM criteria for both substance abuse disorder and borderline personality disorder, and be willing to participate in four separate but paid evaluations. If interested, please contact Henry Calderon, clinical research specialist/assessor, at 305-243-2225, or for details.

The Center for Research and Education on Aging and Technology Enhancement is conducting research with family caregivers of dementia patients who speak English and are 50 years of age or older. If you are not a caregiver but are interested in participating, you may be able to help as well. Participants will receive basic training on how to use the Internet and will be asked to look for information about care-giving and dementia. If you are interested in being a part of this research study, please call 305-355-9200. You will be paid for your time and effort.

Jennifer B. Marks, M.D., is currently recruiting patients ages 18 through 40 with type 1 diabetes mellitus with a recent diagnosis for participation in a research study to test the safety and effectiveness of an investigational medication. Patients must be taking multiple insulin injections daily and in good health. Those who are interested should contact Rogelio Suarez at 305-243-6573 or

The AIDS Clinical Research Unit, directed by Margaret Fischl, M.D., is recruiting participants for the following studies:

• A phase I IL-7 study (IL-7 is a cytokine that aids T-cell development and improves T-cell survival). Participants must be 18 to 50 years of age, receiving antiretroviral therapy for at least 12 months, have an HIV-1 RNA level less than or equal to 50,000 copies/ml, and have a CD4 cell count of 100 cells/ccm or higher. Participants must be willing to do 12-hour IL-7 blood level monitoring. Up to $200 in food certificates provided.

• An investigational CC-chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) entry inhibitor for patients with HIV. The study will look at single dose, dose escalations of a study drug (0.5 mg, 2.0 mg and 5.0 mg) and a placebo. The study will determine how well the study drug blocks CCR5 receptors and is tolerated. Participants must be 18 and older, not taking antiretroviral therapy for at least three months and have a viral load greater than 5,000 and a CD4 count greater than 250. Must be willing to do six-hour drug level monitoring. Up to $250 provided.

For more information on studies conducted by the AIDS Clinical Research Unit, contact Juan at 305-243-3838 or Leslie at

The SPARE Study (Soy Phytoestrogens As Replacement Estrogen) is currently recruiting women 45 to 60 years of age to study the role of soy phytoestrogens given in tablet form to prevent bone loss. Participants will be given a physical exam at study entry, an annual mammogram and bone density test, and will be asked to come for 10 study visits over a period of two years for blood tests and to complete questionnaires about diet, exercise, and well-being. Interested women should contact the SPARE Study Office at 305-243-4330 or via e-mail at

The University of Miami Skin Research Group, directed by Brian Berman, M.D., Ph.D., is looking for people with acne, atopic dermatitis (eczema), and keloids. Participants should be 18 or older for the acne and keloid studies and ages 2 to 17 for the atopic dermatitis studies. If interested, please contact the research staff at 305-243-5519 or visit our website at

Bruce Rubin, M.D., is currently performing a study on trigeminal neuralgia (TN) treatment with subcutaneous injections of BOTOX® to evaluate the effectiveness of treating facial pain associated with TN. Patients must have a diagnosis of TN for more than three months and be at least 18 years of age.
Dr. Rubin is also seeking patients for a research study on the treatment of tightness/spasticity in the wrist, fingers, and elbow caused by a stroke while evaluating the effect of BOTOX® on pulmonary functioning. Patients must be 18 years of age, have had a stroke six months ago or longer, have a pulmonary/breathing problem and cannot have used BOTOX® or any other botulinum toxin previously for any condition. Please contact Amy L. Kaye, ARNP, at 305-243-6223 for additional information on either of these studies.


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