
February 8, 2005
Weekly News Briefs

e-Update is distributed weekly to keep faculty and staff at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine up-to-date on news at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center. To submit news for publication, e-mail items to update@med.miami.edu.

--Cancer Information Service Job Fair Today
--UM Donor Screens Documentary at International Film Festival
--Gail F. Beach Memorial 2004-2005 Visiting Lectureship Series
--11th Annual Leon Schiff Lecture – Grand Rounds 2005
--February’s Human Subjects Research Seminar
--Black Alumni Weekend Starts Friday
--American Cancer Society Young Investigator Workshop
--South Florida Environmental Ethics Conference
--Upcoming Calendar Events
--Human Subjects Research Opportunities  

The Cancer Information Service is the National Cancer Institute’s communications network providing cancer information to patients and their families, the public, and health professionals. The CIS has been awarded a new, significantly expanded contract and is looking to hire 12 Information Specialists to respond to cancer inquiries via the Cancer Information Service Telephone Service (1-800-4-CANCER), the Smoking Quitline (1-877-44U-QUIT) and the LiveHelp instant messaging service. A job fair will be held today (Tuesday) at the Lois Pope LIFE Center seventh-floor auditorium from 8 a.m. to noon. A bachelor’s degree or a valid Florida RN license with 3+ years experience in social services, counseling or teaching required; medical, oncology or healthcare field preferred. Administrative positions are also available. For immediate consideration, or if you are unable to attend, please e-mail your resume to duptgrow@miami.edu.

One of the Miller School of Medicine’s top donors will be screening her documentary film at this month’s Miami International Film Festival. Kimberly Green, president of The Green Family Foundation, will be presenting “Once There Was a Country: Revisiting Haiti” at 6 p.m. Thursday at UM’s Cosford Cinema. The documentary will also be shown at 4 p.m. Sunday at the Regal South Beach Cinema. This film, narrated by Dr. Maya Angelou, exposes the country’s health care crises, particularly HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases, while emphasizing the beautifully rich culture of Haiti. The Green Family Foundation granted UM $2.5 million in the spring of 2003 to support pediatric infectious disease research and education locally and in Haiti through the Green Family Foundation Health Initiative. For more information on the film, please visit www.oncetherewasacountry.com. For more information on the film festival, please visit www.miamifilmfestival.com.

Dennis D. M. O'Leary, Ph.D., professor, Molecular Neurobiology Laboratory at The Salk Institute, will present “Genetic Specification of Primary Areas of the Mammalian Neocortex and Influence on Sensorimotor Behaviors” tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon in the Lois Pope LIFE Center seventh-floor auditorium. For more information, call 305-243-7108 or click http://www.miamiproject.med.miami.edu/x381.xml.

Adrian M. DiBisceglie, M.D., professor of internal medicine and chief of hepatology at Saint Louis University as well as medical director of the American Liver Foundation, will present “An Update on Hepatocellular Carcinoma,” tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon in the Rosenstiel Medical Science Building, fifth floor auditorium. For more information, call 305-243-2325.

This month’s Human Subjects Research Seminar will feature Richard Steinbook, M.D., discussing “Protection of Human Subjects in Psychiatric Research.” The seminar will be held on Tuesday, February 22, from noon to 1 p.m. at the Mailman Center, room 3023. Advance registration is required as room capacity is limited. Please e-mail MAbraham@med.miami.edu to reserve your space.

Bascom Palmer’s “Update in Pediatric Ophthalmology” meeting will be this Saturday at 8:30 a.m. There is a $35 registration fee. Aimed at pediatricians, family practitioners, and comprehensive ophthalmologists, the meeting will present a comprehensive update in pediatric ophthalmology that will be relevant in the evaluation and management of children with ocular disease.  For more information on this or other Bascom Palmer courses, please contact the Continuing Medical Education office at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, 900 NW 17th St., or by calling 305-326-6110, fax 305-326-6518, or e-mail bpeicme@med.miami.edu. Visit the Bascom Palmer Web site at www.bascompalmer.org.

Christopher C. Widnell, Ph.D., scientific program director, extramural grants, for the American Cancer Society National Home Office, will present “American Cancer Society Funding Opportunities and Tips for Successful Grant Writing,” from noon to 1 p.m. Friday in UM/Sylvester conference room 1301. Lunch will be served. The American Cancer Society’s extramural grants program seeks to support and promote high impact and innovative cancer-related research across a wide range of disciplines to meet critical needs in the control of cancer. The purpose of this seminar is to share new approaches for obtaining research funding. Dr. Widnell will discuss the various funding opportunities for both junior and senior investigators, as well as describe some of the characteristics that translate a good idea into a funded grant. RSVP to Diane Dames at 305-243-2287, or e-mail Ddames@med.miami.edu.

Faculty and staff who elected MetLife's Preferred Dental Provider (PDP) plan do not receive member ID cards as MetLife does not issue cards. Your MetLife policy number is your Social Security number. When visiting your dental provider, advise the provider that you are a member of MetLife Dental PDP plan with the University of Miami (the University of Miami MetLife Group Number is 1164281). If your dental provider is in the MetLife PDP network, your claim will be filed electronically. If your dental provider is not in the network, you must complete a MetLife Dental Expense Claim Form and submit it to MetLife for reimbursement. For more information, contact MetLife Customer Service at 1-800-438-6388, or visit the MetLife Web site at www.metlife.com/dental.

The University of Miami Alumni Association, in conjunction with the Black Alumni Society, invites faculty and staff to the fifth annual Black Alumni Reunion Weekend, Friday through Sunday. Highlighting this year's celebration will be the VIP and Scholarship Awards Gala on Star Island at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday. Other events include the "Hot-on-the-Block" event at 4:30 p.m. on Friday in the Whitten University Center, where students and alumni will have the opportunity to discuss issues affecting black students; the Old School Gathering and Comedy School at 7:30 on Friday on the patio of the Whitten University Center; and the Black Alumni Farewell Picnic on the University Green from 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. A complete schedule of events is available at www.miami.edu/alumni. The $100 per person registration fee includes admission to all of the weekend activities. For more information or to register, contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 305-284-2872 or via e-mail at alumni@miami.edu.

The Performance Improvement Management training series is a highly interactive series of four half days and one two-hour follow-up session.  It is open to all managers and supervisors. The goal of the series is to set the expectations for leaders at the University of Miami and develop the knowledge and skills required to effectively manage your employees’ performance.  The course is composed of three modules - Role of the Manager, the Performance Improvement Management Process, and Documentation.  Morning sessions are 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  Afternoon sessions are 1 to 5 p.m. You must register for all five parts of the session you select. To register, go to http://netlearning.miami.edu/ and follow the instructions to enroll in the session you want.  Sessions are held in the Dominion Parking Garage building. Space is limited, so register early.

The University provides life insurance equal to two times annual base salary (rounded to the nearest $1,000) to all eligible full-time and part-time regular faculty and staff. In accordance with IRS regulations, employer-provided life insurance above $50,000 is taxable to the employee. The taxable amount is determined by an IRS table and added to the employee's pay for the purpose of deducting employment taxes. The taxable amount is also included in Box 1 of the employee’s W-2. For more information on the taxable liability for the life insurance provided by the University, go to https://www.miami.edu/benefits/pdf/LifeInsuranceLetter.pdf.

Limited quantities of the Momentum campaign DVD are available through the Office of Medical Communications. The DVD tells the exciting story of the School of Medicine’s campaign objectives through the words of our physicians, research scientists, students, and grateful patients. Contact Mark N. Levine, director of capital campaign communications, at 305-243-2557 for your copy.

Lynn G. Feun, M.D., co-leader, Melanoma and Related Skin Cancers Site Disease Group and professor at the Miller School of Medicine, will present “Melanoma – Diagnosis and Treatment,” on Friday, February 18, from noon to 1 p.m., UM/Sylvester at Deerfield Beach, 1192 East Newport Center Drive, Suite 100. A light lunch will be served. Please call 1-800-545-2292 to register. Seating is limited.

A representative from Lincoln Financial Group will be at the medical campus to conduct individual financial counseling sessions on February 22 and March 22, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Human Resources Benefits Office, 901 NW 17th St., suite D. To schedule an appointment, contact Aimee Hugdahl toll-free at 866-524-2443, or via e-mail at ahughdahl@lnc.com , or contact Theresa Yong at 866-772-4163, e-mail at tmyong@lnc.com.

“Living on the Edge:  South Florida's Environmental Future,” is the theme of Friday’s Fourth Annual South Florida Environmental Ethics Conference. The conference, held at the Center for the Performing Arts in Fort Lauderdale, is sponsored by the University of Miami Ethics Programs, Florida Atlantic University, the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust and the Florida Bioethics Network. APA continuing professional development credits and continuing legal education credits will be available. Tuition is $45 in advance and $55 at the door, and includes conference materials, continental breakfast and lunch. To register, please call 954-462-0222 or visit http://www.browardcenter.org/. University students may attend for free but must register in advance at www.fau.edu/environment.

The Mort Silverblatt Head and Neck Cancer Support Group will meet today (Tuesday), from 1:30 to 3 p.m., at UM/Sylvester at Deerfield Beach, 1192 East Newport Center Drive, Suite 100. The support group is free of charge and open to all head and neck cancer survivors, their families, and friends. Participants need not be patients of UM/Sylvester. The group meets the second Tuesday of every month. For additional information, including directions to UM/Sylvester at Deerfield Beach, please call 1-800-545-2292 or 305-243-1000.

The Third Miami International Revascularization Summit will be held Friday, February 25, through Sunday, February 27, at Wyndham Miami Beach Resort, 4833 Collins Ave. This course includes real patient cases and is designed to provide interactive education on the advances in percutaneous, peripheral and surgical interventions, cardiac imaging and prevention. It offers a maximum of 19.5 category 1 credits toward the AMA PRA. For more information please contact the Division of Continuing Medical Education at 305-243-6716, or e-mail umcme@med.miami.edu.

Looking for funding opportunities? Searching for a collaborator? Learn to navigate InfoEd SPIN Plus to locate funding opportunities or to find potential collaborators during a session on Monday, February 28, at the Lois Pope LIFE Center seventh-floor auditorium, from 3 to 4 p.m. Learn about SPIN (Sponsored Program Information Network), a funding database designed to provide up-to-date information on federal, non-federal and international funding opportunities; Global Expertise Network for Industry, University and Scholars (GENIUS), an extensive database listing potential collaborators from over 600 institutions; and SMARTS (SPIN Matching and Research Transmittal Service), an electronic matching and funding opportunity notification system. To register, log on to NetLearning using your UM ID # (C-Number) at https://netlearning.miami.edu. Search for the class by changing the dates at the top to show classes offered in February. Scroll to locate the February 28th class and click on Enroll located on the left. For more information about this workshop, please e-mail Maria Valero-Martinez at mvalero@med.miami.edu.

Medical IT and Lanier are inviting medical campus employees to participate in “Lanier Day” on Friday, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Baxter Conference Center in the Batchelor Building. Meet the Medical IT Procurement staff and Lanier representatives and learn about the latest document technologies, including scanning, color output, and how to reduce the cost of document production. Please RSVP to dparker05@lanier.com.

Lanier printers can now be ordered through Med IT. For more information, please call 305-243-1189 and speak to a customer service representative or e-mail procurement2@med.miami.edu.

Back-In-Style.com will host a shopping event to raise money for the Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Miami’s Injury Free Mobile on Wednesday, February 23, from 4 to 8 p.m. at the Back-In-Style.com showroom, 1801 South Bayshore Drive, Coconut Grove. The van is a simulated "house on wheels" designed to teach parents and caregivers how to keep kids safe in the home, in water and on wheels. A significant portion of the evening’s proceeds will be donated to the Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Miami, a non-profit organization dedicated to child injury prevention outreach. Back-In-Style.com is a Miami-based vintage and designer clothing e-business featuring women’s and men’s vintage clothing from top designers as well as contemporary fashions. For more information, visit www.back-in-style.com, or contact Sheffield MacIntyre at 305-519-4955.

Did you know that most child car seats are not installed correctly? To ensure that your child car seat is installed correctly a certified child passenger safety technician will be available on the following Mondays: February 14, 21 and 28; March 7, 21 and 28; and April 11, 18 and 25 in front of the Mailman Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The service is available to everyone who transports children under the age of 12 in their vehicle. For more information, e-mail gstepanian@um-jmh.org, or call 305-243-3928 to set up an appointment. Priority will be given to those with appointments.

Electronic Mail (e-mail) is rapidly becoming the preferred method of business communication because it is fast, inexpensive, and relatively simple to use. This innovation, however, is not flawless: e-mail is one of the leading conduits of malware across computer networks through infected messages and/or their attachments. E-mail is often used to spread “hoaxes,” causing undue concern and insensitivity to real future threats. E-mail typically makes numerous stops at computers along the route to its final destination. At each stop, it can be intercepted and read by prying eyes. To minimize exposure to infected e-mail and/or attachments, be sure you have up-to-date anti-virus software installed on your computer. Be cautious when opening attachments with file extensions such as .exe, .bat, .com, .vbs, .scr, etc. as they may be malicious. For information on what file extensions are and how to display them, please visit http://www.seniornet.org/howto/fileext/fileextensionswhy.html. Only open an attachment if you are expecting one and if you know the sender. If you receive a suspicious email with or without an attachment, do not open it, save it, view it or store it. Always employ some form of encryption if you must use email to communicate any confidential or highly sensitive data, especially personal, financial or health information. Contact your e-mail administrator if you need further assistance. For additional e-mail safety tips, please visit http://safety.surferbeware.com/internet-safety-tips-email.htm.

Faculty and staff who register for MyHumana at www.humana.com by March 15 will be entered into a raffle to win a four day Carnival cruise vacation for two. Registering for MyHumana is easy (you will need your member ID card to register): Visit the member section of www.humana.com and click on the “register for MyHumana” link. Follow the steps for entering your member information. Once you register, you can go to MyHumana to get access to information such as your medical and prescription drug claims history, condition centers, replacement ID cards and much more.

The Office of Business Information Management Systems will be upgrading the current version of IDX to the next version, Flowcast 3.0. This upgrade is required before the University of Miami Medical Group can take advantage of the web-based version of Flowcast. Flowcast 3.0 offers many enhancements that will benefit the IDX user-- community and training sessions will be offered to all users. Training sessions are mandatory for master schedulers. To read more about this upgrade and learn about the training session dates and times, please read the BIMS/CIMS Informant that was sent to all IDX users via e-mail on January 27. If you did not receive your copy of the newsletter, or if you have any questions, please call BIMS at 305-243-7339.


Research integrity concerns? Report concerns regarding research integrity and adherence to federal or University regulations directly to the Office of the Vice Provost for Research at 305-243-6415, or you can call the University's toll-free, anonymous compliance hotline at 866-YOURCALL. Billing concerns? Address questions to the Office of Billing Compliance at 305-243-HELP or 877-415-HELP. For information regarding training programs offered by the Office of Billing Compliance, contact Gemma Romillo or Nancy Rivero at 305-243-5842.


Unfortunately, most of us have little sense of our personal strengths, much less the ability to build our lives around them. However, when people become aware of and tap into these strengths, they can achieve powerful results. Based on the popular book, “Now, Discover Your Strengths,” this seminar will show people how to develop their unique talents and strengths -- and those of the people they influence. Participants will learn to discover their talents and build them into strengths, to bring out the unique strengths in the important people in their lives, and to manage their work and relationships based on those insights. The course will be held in the UM/Sylvester conference room 1301 on Wednesday, March 2, from 1 to 2:30 p.m. To enroll, go to http://netlearning.miami.edu. If you have any questions about the online registration system please call 305-243-3090. For questions about content call the EAP at 305-284-6604. Supervisors are encouraged to post this notice for employees who do not have electronic access.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology will be presenting a conference on New Concepts in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Alexander Hotel in Miami Beach March 2 through 5. This program is designed to provide a comprehensive update of problems encountered in obstetrics and gynecology and its subspecialties. New information will be presented that can be used in daily gynecological practice, and participants will also be able to determine when more advanced technologies are necessary. Participants are encouraged to bring clinical problems for discussion. For more information, please contact pmundy@med.miami.edu, or call 305-585-5131. You can also register on-line at http://www.ob-gyn.med.miami.edu/events.asp.

School of Medicine alumni are invited to share in three days of fun, camaraderie, learning and reminiscing during Alumni Weekend 2005, March 4-6. The weekend’s events promise to engage both the mind and the heart, including faculty-led continuing medical education sessions, alumni achievements, and a variety of social engagements that will provide an opportunity to reconnect with former classmates and meet renowned faculty and medical students. For details and to register, visit the Medical Alumni Association Web site at www.miami.edu/medical-alumni.

Sponsored by the School of Medicine and the Center for Liver Diseases/Division of Hepatology, this March 10-12 conference will present an update of knowledge in the diagnosis and management of liver and biliary disease. This course is directed toward internists, alimentary tract surgeons and other physicians, residents, nurses and allied health professionals who deal with these complex patients and issues. It offers a maximum of 12 category 1 credits toward the AMA PRA. For more information, please contact the Division of Continuing Medical Education at 305-243-6716, or e-mail umcme@med.miami.edu.


American Cancer Society, Florida Division, is inviting applications from qualified medical or undergraduate students, who are residents of Florida or attend a degree-granting Florida institution full-time, to work in a UM/ Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center laboratory from June 1 to August 31, 2005. Eligible applicants must have completed their sophomore year of college by June 1. Awardees cannot be otherwise employed by the University of Miami during this summer fellowship, and students must identify a sponsor and work on a cancer-related project in the research laboratory of a UM/Sylvester investigator. For more information and an application, please contact Kathy Salce at ksalce@med.miami.edu, phone: 305-243-2287. Applications are due by April 1. A total of six fellowships are available at $2,500 each for the three-month period.

The Medical Faculty Association will hold its 51st annual fundraiser to benefit the students of the Miller School of Medicine - University of Miami on Friday, April 1. We will celebrate our fellowship and support our mission with a "Dinner at the Ritz" in Coconut Grove. If you would like to receive an invitation, please contact Kristin Podack at 305-285-1477 (kpodack@hotmail.com) or Linda Fitzpatrick at 305-774-9207 (lindafitz46@hotmail.com).


The Department of Psychology, Behavioral Medicine Research Center, is recruiting participants for several studies investigating the impact of psychological factors such as stress on quality of life and disease progression in several older adult (> 50 yrs. old) populations. The studies are actively recruiting men and women recently diagnosed with head and neck cancer, HIV-positive men, and men treated for advanced prostate cancer. For more information about these studies, please call Dr. Frank Penedo at 305-575-7122.

Sara Czaja, Ph.D., is leading a study of spinal cord injury in an aging population focusing on helping improve the quality of life of the patients and their caregivers. As Americans live longer, more people are aging with spinal cord injuries than ever before, presenting new challenges. This NIH-funded study will examine the value of a home-based program that combines psychological and social intervention, using technology to help patients who have difficulty with mobility. For more information about the study, please call 305-355-9200.

The HPV vaccine has been developed with the goal of decreasing HPV infection and the persistence of HPV risk types responsible for cervical cancer. We are looking for healthy women between the ages of 15 to 25 who have not had prior abnormal pap smears, are not pregnant, are willing to receive the study vaccine, and are able to commit to a four- year follow up period. For more information, call Iliana Rivas at 305-243-5832.

The SPARE Study (Soy Phytoestrogens As Replacement Estrogen) is currently recruiting women between 45-58 years of age to study the role of soy phytoestrogens given in tablet form to prevent bone loss. Participants will be given a physical exam at study entry, an annual mammogram and bone density test, and will be asked to come for 10 study visits over a period of two years for blood tests and to complete questionnaires about diet, exercise, and well-being. Interested women should contact the SPARE Study Office at 305-243-4330 or via e-mail at aherrin@med.miami.edu.

The UM Skin Research Group directed by Brian Berman, M.D., Ph.D., professor of dermatology and internal medicine, is conducting several research studies on keloids and chronic idiopathic urticaria. If you are interested in participating please contact us at 305-243-5519 or visit our website at www.skininvestigation.com.

Researchers at the MRI Center need healthy subjects for a magnetic resonance imaging study. For more information please visit http://midas.med.miami.edu/Research/MRStudies.htm.

e-Update is a service of the Office of Communications at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine.
To view current and past issues, visit http://e-update.med.miami.edu.
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