
August 24, 2004
Weekly News Briefs

e-Update is distributed weekly to keep faculty and staff at the University of Miami School of Medicine up-to-date on news at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center. To submit news for publication, e-mail items to update@med.miami.edu.


--Online Privacy Training
--New Series of Weight Watchers at Work
--Fast Quant Two-Day Wet Laboratory Workshop
--On-Site Nextel and Blackberry Help Scheduled
--Call for Scientific Poster Session
--Conversations About Cancer Series
--S.T.E.P. for Parents of School-Age Children
--Upcoming Calendar Events
--Human Subjects Research Opportunities

The University of Miami Ethics Programs and the UM Office of Continuing Medical Education  are offering a series of Health Information Privacy and Security online courses for physicians who need to meet the training requirements of HIPAA, state statutes, JCAHO certification and other mandates. Physicians can earn up to 10 AMA PRA category 1 credits while becoming familiar with the most current federal and state privacy requirements. While access to all course materials is free and unlimited, CME credit requires payment of a registration fee of $100. To complete these online courses go to http://www.miami.edu/ethics2/privacy/cme/ or for additional information contact the Division of CME at (305) 243-6716.

“ Weight Watchers at Work” will be starting a new series Friday. The meetings take place at noon on Fridays on the second floor of the Jackson Orthopedic and Spinal Rehab Unit, 1611 NW 12th Ave. For more information, please contact Alisa Priscaly at 305-585-6985.

The Laboratory for Clinical and Biological Studies and Schleicher & Schuell BioScience Inc. will host a Fast Quant Two-Day Wet Laboratory Workshop. The workshop will demonstrate how to quantify multiple cytokines all at once in your lab with protein microarrays in a familiar ELISA footprint. The wet laboratory workshop is tomorrow from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Suite 118 of the Fox Building. Thursday there will be a lecture on Fast Quant System Solution & Sample Results from 10 a.m. to noon. Lunch will be provided. To register, please contact Renee Stanford at 305-243-2010, by fax at 305-243-2013, or by e-mail at rstanford@med.miami.edu. Limited space is available.

There will be a Faculty Senate meeting tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. in the James W. McLamore Executive Center, Jenkins School of Business Administration Annex, third floor dining room on the Coral Gables campus. All faculty members are welcome to attend. Visit the Senate Web page http://www.miami.edu/FacultySenate for more information.

Representatives from Nextel will be in the purchasing conference room, third floor of the Rehabilitation Center, tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Employees can stop by with questions about billing and service for Nextel phones and Blackberry personal data assistants, learn about special offers, and see new products. For more information, please call Medical IT at 305-243-5999.

All faculty and other interested professionals are invited to participate in the Center on Aging's 2004 Scientific Poster Session to be held September 24. Those interested in presenting a poster should first submit a one page abstract (limit 250 words) to Dr. Carl Eisdorfer via e-mail at: ceisdorf@med.miami.edu or by fax to 305-355-9099. The deadline for submission is Friday.

University of Miami School of Medicine faculty, clinical and billing administrators are encouraged to register for one of the monthly Skills for Service Delivery Retreats. Learn how to identify and meet customer needs and expectations, and motivate your staff to apply essential patient-oriented service behavior. The last full-day retreat for August is Tuesday, August 31, at the Professional Development and Training Office, Dominion Parking Garage, Suite 155, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Breakfast and lunch are provided. Seating is limited to 20 participants. For more information, contact Gisela Leyva at 305-243-7142, or e-mail Gleyva@med.miami.edu.

Vincent Bird, M.D., assistant professor in the Department of Urology, will talk about “Kidney Cancer – Diagnosis and Treatment,” as part of the Conversations about Cancer series on Friday from noon to 1 p.m. at UM/Sylvester at Deerfield Beach, 1192 East Newport Center Drive, Suite 100. The presentation is free, and a light lunch will be provided. Please call 1-800-545-2292 to register. Seating is limited. For more information, contact Joanne Leahy at 954-571-0107.

The Employee Assistance Program will be presenting S.T.E.P. (Systematic Training for Effective Parenting), a discussion group for parents of school- age children. Participants will learn effective and enjoyable ways to communicate with their children, moving parents toward their goal of raising responsible children who will grow into responsible adults. The group will meet once a week from noon to 1 p.m. for eight sessions in Room 6012 of the Diabetes Research Institute. Meeting dates are: September 7, September 14, September 21, September 28, October 5, October 12, October 19 and October 26.

EAP will also host a free “Lunch and Learn” seminar on domestic violence from noon to 1 p.m. on Thursday, September 9, in the Professional Development and Training Office, Dominion Parking Garage, Suite 155. Geared toward nurses, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers and psychologists, the sessions will help participants understand the prevalence of domestic violence and how it affects people, screen patients for domestic violence history, respond to patients who are abused or abusers, and provide helpful resources. Participants will receive one hour of continuing education credit, and meet the domestic violence course requirements for their profession. Lunch will be served. The Professional Development and Training Office has implemented a new online registration system to access the training calendars, enroll in a session, un-enroll, and view and print your transcript. Go to http://netlearning.miami.edu where you’ll find instructions and a brief tutorial. You only need your UM identification number ("C number") and birth date to access the system. If you have any questions on using this new system, please call 305-243-3090. For questions about content, call the EAP at 205-284-6604. Supervisors are encouraged to post this notice for employees who do not have electronic access.

F. Andrew Gaffney, M.D., associate dean for clinical affairs and risk management and chief quality and patient safety officer at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, will discuss “Creating Patient Safety in Academic Medical Centers” on Wednesday, September 1 as part of the Dean’s Patient Safety Colloquium Series. In addition to his faculty duties at Vanderbilt, Dr. Gaffney is an international expert on patient safety as well as an astronaut. The lecture will be from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Rosenstiel Medical Science Building, fourth floor auditorium. Please RSVP because space is limited. For more information, please call Shirley D. Brown at 305-585-8364 or e-mail sbrown7@med.miami.edu.

A representative from TIAA-CREF will be on the medical campus on August 31 and September 1 in the Human Resources Benefits Office, 901 NW 17th St., suite D, to conduct individual counseling sessions. To schedule an appointment, click here http://www.tiaa-cref.org/moc or call toll-free 1-800-842-2003 ext. 3522.


Research integrity concerns? Report concerns regarding research integrity and adherence to federal or University regulations directly to the Office of the Vice Provost for Research at 305-243-6415, or you can call the University's toll-free, anonymous compliance hotline at 866-YOURCALL. Billing concerns? Address questions to the Office of Billing Compliance at 305-243-HELP or 877-415-HELP. For information regarding training programs offered by the Office of Billing Compliance, contact Gemma Romillo or Nancy Rivero at 305-243-5842.


The University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Richard David Kann Melanoma Foundation are co-hosting a melanoma lecture workshop on Saturday, September 18, from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Renaissance Boca Raton Hotel. "Skin Cancer Detection, Prevention and Education: Shedding New Light on Behavior Modification and Medical Advances,” is a free workshop and will include a lecture on clinical trials by Lynn G. Feun, M.D., co-leader of the Melanoma and Related Skin Cancers Site Disease Group at UM/Sylvester, and a discussion on new diagnostic tools by Harold Rabinovitz, M.D., voluntary professor, Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery. The workshop is designed for health care professionals and educators. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting the Melanoma Foundation at 561-687-2400. For additional information, please contact Joanne Leahy at 954-571-0107.

His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzen Gyatso will lead a series of teachings on Buddhist spiritual practices at the University’s Convocation Center, 1245 Walsh Avenue, Coral Gables, on Monday, September 20, and Tuesday, September 21. It will be the first time that he conducts these particular teachings, which include The Teachings on the Instructions on the Garland of Views and Long Life Empowerment. These teachings are open to the public and tickets are available through Ticketmaster. The Dalai Lama will also address the University community on A Human Approach to World Peace on Wednesday, September 22, at 3 p.m. at the UM Convocation Center. During this event, the Dalai Lama will receive an honorary doctorate of humane letters in recognition of his role as both a spiritual and world leader. This event is free and is open to UM students, faculty, staff, and guests only. For more information on this event, visit http://www.miami.edu/dalailama. The Dalai Lama’s extended visit to South Florida is his last appearance in the U.S. for 2004, and the University has partnered with Osel Dorje Nyingpo (ODN), a non-profit organization dedicated to the teaching of Tantric Vajrayana Buddhism and world peace, to sponsor these events. Updated information on the Dalai Lama’s South Florida visit will be available at http://www.dalailamamiami.com. For information on obtaining tickets for the Dalai Lama’s public address or teachings, please call ODN at 305-460-3363 or via e-mail at hhdlmiami@odn-usa.org, or visit ODN’s website at http://www.odn-usa.org. For security purposes, no bags or cameras will be allowed into the UM Convocation Center. All dates and times are subject to change.

A representative from Fidelity Investments will be on the medical campus on September 23 in the Human Resources Benefits Office, 901 NW 17th St., suite D, to conduct individual counseling sessions. To schedule an appointment, call 1-800-642-7131.

Fighting Infectious Diseases in Emerging Countries, a non-profit organization founded by Daniel Stamboulian, M.D., along with the UM School of Medicine Infectious Diseases Division, headed by Gordon Dickinson, M.D., will hold the Second International Symposium, “A Practical Approach to Infectious Diseases,” at the Trump International Sonesta Beach Resort in Sunny Isles September 26 through 28. The conference will offer updated information on the diagnosis, prevention and management of infectious diseases to primary care practitioners working in internal medicine, pediatrics and family medicine, as well as to ancillary staff members interested in the management of these diseases. Besides the schedule program, there will be workshops and discussion groups on topics such as travel medicine and adult immunization, severe sepsis, chronic hepatitis, and fungal infections. There will be simultaneous translation (English and Spanish). For information and registration, please contact SMG in Miami at 305-856-7847, by e-mail at info@smgmedical.com, or on the SMG Website at http://www.emedlearning.com/idsymposium.

A representative from Lincoln Financial Group will be at the University of Miami to conduct individual financial counseling sessions from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, September 28, and Wednesday, September 29, in the Human Resources Benefits Office, 901 NW 17th St., suite D. To schedule an appointment, contact Aimee Hugdahl toll-free at 866-524-2443, or via email at ahugdahl@LNC.com.

The SPARE Study (Soy Phytoestrogens As Replacement Estrogen) is currently recruiting women between 45-58 years of age to study the role of soy phytoestrogens given in tablet form to prevent bone loss. Participants will be given a physical exam at study entry, an annual mammogram and bone density test, and will be asked to come for 10 study visits over a period of two years for blood tests and to complete questionnaires about diet, exercise, and well-being. Interested women should contact the SPARE Study Office at 305-243-4330 or via e-mail at aherrin@med.miami.edu.

Researchers at the MRI Center need healthy subjects for a magnetic resonance imaging study. For more information please visit http://midas.med.miami.edu/Research/MRStudies.htm.

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